Hay, everypony! I hope you all had a great time over the holidays - I know I did! And, because of that, we're a bit behind in posting this. Sorry about that!
And I see you all compensated for our idleness by turning out the images - a whopping 81 entries! That's awesome, everypony! It's amazing to see you participating :)
And now, on to the images!
1 ichiyama22 (Forward! -Lunar)
2 Scyphi (Scoots is perfect, here ;) -Lunar)
3 JimTheCactus (! -Lunar)
4 Wolferahm (Adorable :) -Lunar)
5 nitron100
6 SkyheartArrow
7 RydelFox (Silly Magneighto! -Lunar)
8 FerrousOxideMolecule (I did this with laundry baskets, actually! -Lunar)
9 Smava-Heartsong (Aw, chin up, Applebloom! -Lunar)
10 mesaluvscookies (Oh my gosh, this is so adorable! - Atlur)
11 Philith (The very top. -Lunar)
12 Samuel E Allen
13 Cynos-Zilla (This reminds me of when cats will dive face-first into a box. So silly - Atlur)
14 Otterlore (Keep trying, Scoots... -Lunar)
15 demented-Mr-Paulsen (I figured someone would make this reference, but I didn't expect it to be so classy. Well done, sir - Atlur)
16 hip-indeed (Loving the expression, here! -Lunar)
17 Jaguarwarrior
18 Smava-Heartsong
19 KuroiTsubasaTenshi
20 Fox-E (Trixingno toaster is best pony? - Atlur)
21 rachelhi
22 dtcx97 (D'awwww... -Lunar)
23 supernatural90 (Where can I order this box? -Lunar)
24 JackiePhantom13
25 GonzaHerMeg (It's too bad he can't really appreciate this because of his condition -Lunar)
26 Philith (Gah! -Lunar)
27 Errick (Insert flange QWX-1-9 into socket 87-HB-3 and rotate 32 degrees... -Lunar)
28 ponylover778 (Careful how you react, Dashie. It says right there that she's fragile, you wouldn't want to hurt her feelings - Atlur)
29 Goggle Sparks
30 DarkKnightWolf2011
31 DarkKnightWolf2011 (I see what you did there! -Lunar)
32 tenchisamoshi (She's just so happy! -Lunar)
33 JunaECBS (Pinkie, I'm not sure that's how you... -Lunar)
34 Moonlight Scribe
35 Moonlight Scribe (I like it :) -Lunar)
36 Moonlight Scribe (I'll give you a place to stay, Trixie :( -Lunar)
37 NikkuWalkanov (Cupcake! -Lunar)
38 pinkie-pie-ninja
39 Nun2artzy ( :D -Lunar)
40 brokenhero
41 RaspleZS (I'd probably have played these games more if this was real! -Lunar)
42 Shammysteak (Very interesting style. I look forward to seeing more from you! - Atlur)
44 Jdan-s (Tavi is adorable when she smiles! -Lunar)
45 larrle
46 moonlitblackcat
47 Ailynd
48 Eva-Janova (It does not surprise me that Twilight would be a bit skeptical in this situation - Atlur)
49 KuroiTsubasaTenshi
50 NinjaPony
51 G-DO-29--Anagram (That is a sturdy-looking box you've got there - Atlur)
52 Easteu (This is awfully cute! -Lunar)
53 bananizen (Good to have you submitting again! :) And hooray, Pinkie! - Atlur)
54 MusicAndLed (If you can get along with Trixie, you can stay too, Dashie :( -Lunar)
55 Shveyk (This is quite clever :) -Lunar)
56 KUROGUAUGUAU (Derp! :) -Lunar)
57 Moonlight Scribe
58 RaspleZS
59 RunbowDash
60 kits
61 Acceleron (Aaaaah, why!? I just wanted some juice! -Lunar)
62 bluefiresword (So torn between D: and :D on this one! -Lunar)
63 NME-NRG (I'd have liked this box as well! -Lunar)
64 Chromadancer (:D -Lunar)
65 Terrible Transit
66 KuroiTsubasaTenshi (Don't worry your pretty little head over it, Twi. Just roll with it - Atlur)
67 Ambrose Buttercrust (I think I just broke my brain. -Lunar)
68 Prismatic-Pretzel (I am a sucker for anything Dinky and Derpy, and this is no exception :) -Lunar)
69 Delta-Pangaea
70 041744 (Trixie, noooooo! -Lunar)
71 Invidlord (Brain continues to be broken. -Lunar)
72 Muffinsforever
73 MrSevens
74 ZeldaTheSwordsman (Work with what you've got - Atlur)
75 Jeff Martinez (Clever! -Lunar)
76 LeafGrowth
77 GiantMosquito (So... cute... -Lunar)
78 thattagen (I had the 1Up sound play in my head when I saw this. -Lunar)
79 RiokennG3 (She's being content(s) - Atlur)
80 Argentum-Zeena (And I'll take this box as well. -Lunar)
81 egophiliac (Hrrrrrnnnngh - okay, better now! <3 -Lunar)