Sunday, 27 October 2013

Week 122 Wrap Up

Yes, yeees.  Everything is going according to plan.  I've only recently joined the group's admins, and I am already doing my first blog post.  With each step I take, I garner a bit more trust from the other admins, and gain a bit more authority within the group.  Soon, so very soon, my plan will come to fruition and I will take over as head admin.  With the group's full resources behind me, I can begin the process of taking over other dA groups, then the site itself, then more internet sites.  Before I'm done, the entire internet will be mine, all mine!  MUHAHAHAHA!

Wait, did I say that out loud?

Ahem. Anyways, this week has been a celebration of all things dastardly, with ponies running all manner of schemes. We've got everything from simple pranksters to bold thieves to full-blown villainous plots! And no, not those kinds of 'plots'...

At any rate, getting off topic here.  Things are looking dark, with all of these dastardly schemes afoot.  I think we need a hero.  I'm holding out for a hero, one who is strong, one who is fast... I should probably stop this before I fully break into song.  So how about we cut to the chase, and show this week's creations:

Gallery for Week 95

01. RandomCPV

I hope a pony is still attached to this poor horse, for th8s kind of violence I can't endorse. ~ fetchbeer

02. Scyphi

03. GoggleSparks
We need to prepare for the worst...always!

This pony's baked goods may not be quite as advertised, and some caution may be advised. ~ fetchbeer

04. Dinsdale
Vity is a lot of things. Subtle... is not one of them.

05. BrokenHero0409

If you ever see these two in a race, you should just try to finish in last place. ~ ferchbeer

06. ScuriLevenstein

07. Mimic-Slenderpony
Bubble Tea prepares a very special cup of tea for some pony.

This face alone makes me afraid, if I stay I may be flayed. ~ fetchbeer

08. Dullahan
It's always the cool ponies that are evil

09. Philith

Dragons are attracted to any shiny thing, so if you see one make sure to h8de your bling! ~ fetchbeer

10. sixhorsepower

11. Blue Wolf

Those changelings always have their evil schemes, you must be careful when their eye gleams. ~ fetchbeer

12. ThatAsianMike
Samil the Cut-Purse is always conniving his next big heist

13. stuhp

Withn4hismhat and cloak they are clearly evil, and soon their plan will cause upheaval! ~ fetcbeer

14. AkiroAlpha
Hope you like it! Critque and feedback is requested and appreciated. :D

15. bluestreakfus

There is always a prank waiting for the unaware, so for revenge you should prepare. ~ fethbeer

16. ZeldaTheSwordsman

17. A Brony Account

These little fillies may soon be in deep trouble, especially if they reduce this bank to rubble. ~ fetchbeer

18. HalflingPony
Sadly, even the most well thought-out plans can be thwarted by lax security.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Week 121 Wrap-Up

I read last weeks post.  Its full of puns.  Well, I don't cotton to that Lunar.  You take your puns and buy a train ticket to Punslyvania!  So, let's prepare for this week's post, eh?  Entirely pun-free.

Exercise!  It's good for the mind, the body, and the soul.  With enough exercise, you can accomplish anything!  Okay, that's a bit of a stretch, but really, we're just starting to pull up here towards the end of the week.  So sit-up everypony and pay attention, I'm not cycling my response here.

Or was it Exorcise?  Maybe something possessed you to draw something a little more supernatural instead?  If you're in the proper spirit, a pony's soul being freed from the clench of outside forces could be just the thing to inspire your artistic demons to fully expel a work of creativity.

Look, it's exercise, and it's ghosts.  They both terrify me. And so I think, without further running around the haunted bush, let's take a look at all these worked-out, spiritually-beset, hard-working, soul-consuming, ponies.  Please don't eat me while I'm sleeping...

Gallery for Week 94

01. Scyphi

To Twilight this seems quite a bummer, when her assistant dresses as a plumber. ~ fetchbeer

02. RandomCPV

03. DanTR

Even branches help you keep in shape, though they may give you a nasty scrape. ~ fetchbeer

04. ScuriLevenstein

05. HalflingPony

Watch what book you use for a ghost, or you may wind up being toast. ~ fetchbeer

06. Blue Wolf
I got this done and uploaded and then noticed.. no wings.. so.. they are folded up behind her back where you can't see them. Yeah, that's the ticket.

07. stuhp

This damn cube exercises your poor brain, these stupid colors are such a pain. ~ fetchber

08. dredaich

09. Abyssal Emissary
Exercising. Any questions? (My first attempt to smear the watercolor pencils with water. Looks a bit sloppy.)

Some friends are fun to ride, almost as fun as the park's slide! ~ fetchbeer

10. ZeldaTheSwordsman

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Week 120 Wrap Up

Good evening, everypony!  It's ice to see you again!  Really, it's snow good to see all these elemental ponies you've turned out this week!  They're really cool, don't you think?

"But Lunar," you protest , "They're not all frost-based elementals!  I think the majority of them might be fire!  And I have to stop typing, because your terrible puns have made me blind!"

Pish-posh, I say!  Much like returning from being frozen in carbonite, your eyesight will return, in time.  Besides, have you ever tried getting a fire pun to work?  It's not easy!  Like, really not easy!  I tried getting a few up, but the best I could come up with was emberassed, which just looks like something else instead of a pun.  Ridiculous!

So, anyway.  Elements!  It's fun to see so many elementals.  Ever thought about what kind of elemental you might be, were you to be one?  Are you the hot, passionate fire elemental?  A cool, collected frost elemental?  Changeable as the wind, solid as the earth, as viny and covered in leaves and utilizing photosynthesis as a plant?

...I think that last analogy may have gotten away from me a little.  Well, anyway.  Certainly a fun thing to think about; which element might suit you best!

You know what doesn't suit many, though?  Getting caught out in the elements, and I'm glad to see a few of you submitting ponies out there, braving the weather!  Good on them for getting out of doors - even if it doesn't always go as planned!

But you know what?  I'm rambling, and should maybe think about chilling for a bit.  I'll just freeze what I'm doing here, and let you get on with the ponies.  Stay frosty, my friends.

01. Arlenbrony

This pony burns with an inner fire, and I for one wish not to face their ire. ~ fetchbeer

02. The Laughing Horror
Its good to be back

03. TwinQuasars

Each of these represents a specific element, to bad there is no elephant. ~ fetchbeer

04. OtterMatt
The mountain titan cares for his territory, ever watchful.

05. The Laughing Horror
Love Rusts

True love knows no limit in it's forms, though this couple should stay away from storms. ~ fetchbeer

06. Blue Wolf

07. sixhorsepower

This pony just loves throwing parties under water, especially for her friend the otter. ~ fetchbeer

08. Abyssal Emissary
My first practice piece for my new India Ink pens and watercolor pencils.

09. Scarlet Twinkle

Magic is quite a chaotic power, just be careful of what you allow it to devour. ~ fetchbeer

10. Scarlet Twinkle

11. GoggleSparks
“When pure sincerity forms within, it is outwardly realized in other people's hearts.” -Lao Tzu

This pony is indeed quite sincere, and to everyone around she brings great cheer. ~ fetchbeer

12. Cobralash
water pony

13. RandomCPV

Is this pony some sort of tree? From such a thing I think I should flee. ~ Fetchbeer

14. Blue Wolf
Dryad counts as earth elemental, right?

15. Pio21

Is this pony's flank very shiny? Are others blinded by his heiney? ~ fetchbeer

16. stuhp

17. Ryojo
Fire, is my power!

Is this pony careful as they play with fire? Or does the situation become dire? ~ fetchbeer

18. Blue Wolf

19. dredaich

Made from wind this pony blows, and no rest he ever knows. ~ fetchbeer

20. MrJuneWolf

21. ScuriLevenstein

Does she mean to talk to this little frog? Or is she going insane in this wet bog? ~ fetchbeer

22. AkiroAlpha
Snow pony! Critique and feedback is requested and appreciated!

23. HalflingPony
I hope you'll forgive my submitting here before the DA group, but I'm still waiting on approval and didn't want to miss out on this theme, if at all possible.

A wing to shield you from the rain, though the clouds are Dash's domain. ~ fetchbeer


25. Invidlord

26. A Brony Account
BEHOLD! The Majestic and Mighty EARTH PONY!