Sunday, 27 December 2015

Week 235 Wrap Up

Happy Hearth's Warming, everypony! I hope you all got what you really wanted this year, whether it be a new book, a paint set, a Smarty Pants doll, a 'Get out of jail free' card, or even just a rock. And don't forget the whole 'get to spend time with your family' thing. that's kinda important too. But at any rate, once again, Happy Holidays to you all!

Forgive me for being brief this week, but I need to head out as soon as possible. The Guards are still looking for me after that Totally-Not-An-Art-Heist last week...

Gallery for Week 208

01. Speedy526745

Share the holiday with tiny friends, though to see them you may need a lens. - fetchbeer

02. G-DO-29--Anagram
Not much of a background I can put here, but since it's gonna be cold for the next few weeks, I might come up with something for ATG 236 by then. Just a note: Ganaram and Gem aren't related (they just have the same last name by coincidence) and Nova and Electrobolt aren't related (they just have similar colouration by coincidence).

Dressing up to keep nice and warm, especially with the winter storms. - fetchbeer

03. Scuri Levenstein

She seems to doubt how safe that scooter is, even though with wheels she's a wiz! - fetchbeer

05. Vaser888

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Week 234 Wrap Up

Ah, good. You're all here. We've got a heist to plan and the sooner we get started, the sooner we get paid! Now, we'll need to be really sneaky to pull this off. The gallery has a number of highly competent guards, all of whom will be more than happy to set off the alarm if we so much as exhale too loudly. So make sure you're as quiet as a mouse and as unobtrusive as a shadow. Now, the paintings we're after are marked with... what's that? Just visiting the Gallery, you say? So wait...

You're not the Payday Herd?

Umm... Yes, this concludes this performance of my, umm... avant garde performance art, uhh, thingy. Yes. I'm totally not planning a real heist here, that would be silly. So feel free to peruse the art here... in the Gallery... that is totally not going to be stolen. Yes, umm...

So I'm just quietly going to leave now. Toodles.

Gallery for Week 207

01. Speedy526745

You'd think their size would make it hard to hide, though the tiny people may be horrified. - fetchbeer

02. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

Are your swords so quick, that you can give him more than a nick? - fetchbeer

03. Scuri Levenstein

With those stripes so very loud, you can't hear even without a crowd. - fetchbeef

04. Vaser888

Sometimes it's too hard to hide, but is standing in the open still untried? - fetchbeer

05. G-DO-29--Anagram
I was a bit out of ideas and I was a bit busy. The only thing I could think of was blowing up each other with unlucky Lucky Blocks.

From where do these question blocks appear? Their presence just seems rather queer. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Week 233 Wrap Up

Season 5 has reached it's thrilling conclusion, and now we're in the drought between seasons once again. But let's not worry about that right now, and instead celebrate the glory and joy this season has brought us. It's time to party! Togas are optional, but conga lines are mandatory; everypony loves a conga line! And we've also got cake and candy and punch and cupcakes and I totally haven't had too much sugar already and hey there's the next guest arriving I should go greet them so you go and have fun now!

Just please don't drop Twilight's assistant in the punch again. the joke's getting old, and he gets all sticky and bleh.

Gallery for Week 206

01. Speedy526745

Some ponies have prehensile hair, for others this would be a nightmare. - fetchbeer

02. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

Always find a time to dance, to just have fun and prance. - fetchbeer

03. Vaser888

Frosting and candy and sweetened bread, and some snacking soon ahead. - fetchbeer

04. Scuri Levenstein

There's always one that wants this dance, though they may receive an evil glance. - fetchbeer

05. AaronMk
After a long campaign in the field

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Week 232 Wrap Up

So, we've got this new AI here to help us run things. She's called, uhh, what was it... HaPPYDOS, or something like that. Anyway, she's opened up this portal to an alternate universe here, and wants me to go check it out. And she's promised that it's not full of 'hoomans', whatever those are. At any rate, here I go!

Time passes...

*stumbles back out of the portal with his hooves covering his eyes* Oh, oh dear Celestia! That was awful! Truly horrific! The colors, the eye-piercing colors! They're so vibrantly pastel that they bore right into your eyes! And the singing! Choral voices that seem to be everywhere, assailing your ears from all directions! I think the singing was coming from the flowers themselves, but the blinding colors made it impossible to tell for sure.

I'd better go visit the clinic and make sure there's no permanent damage to my senses, but in the meantime you can feel free to take a look at these pictures showing alternate universes that others have visited. Pictures are much safer than actually visiting such universes in person, after all. I shall hopefully be back shortly.

But seriously, who would have thought that the Universe of Ultimate Goodness and Light would be so dangerous?

Gallery for Week 205

01. Speedy526745

Some ponies show little change, no matter the universe exchange. - fetchbeer

02. G-DO-29--Anagram
I had originally planned for four parallel timelines, but computer breakdowns again plague me, so this is two of the planned four parallel timelines: the revised original of [ATG 226 - Secret] where Nova's sister is dead and an alternate where Flora's brother is dead. Preemptively posting early in case my main computer catches fire. (Not really.) WARNING: EXTREMELY HUGE IMAGE

Some events are just too close, though neither case is less morose. - fetchbeer

03. pony-x
"my transceiver is fine, i'm just a little hoarse"

There's somewhere everyone fits in, though every organization has spies within. - fetchbeer

04. Chronitsch Chron1
Twilight concluded her assignments in the other world, on her way back she seems to have been distracted and said a wrong word. The portal that opened was to equestria but a different one, at least she hopes.., Will she step through saving this equestria or will she steo back and try again

Worlds where the dead still walk, enough to make the bravest balk. - fetchbeer

05. Scuri Levenstein

Some shy ones could be brave, and those thought strong enslave. - fetchbeer

06. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

A guild that each world they find improves, though this time they find themselves with hooves. - fetchbeer

07. Vaser888
Beware, the ponies from this universe are so cute that they are deadly.

This cute thing may cause heart attacks, which is how they catch their snacks. - fetchbeer

08. Hotep Forgefer

This donkey seems to need a pasture green, for too much life he seems to have seen. - fetchbeer