Sunday, 30 July 2017

Week 318 Wrap Up

Hmm. Something strange is going on this week. There's an odd wind blowing from the Everfree, bringing with it that prickly sensation of goosbumps all down your limbs. But hey, this is Ponyville, Equestria's official Weirdness Magnet. Such an odd wind is pretty common around here.

But still, this week has been weirder than usual, even for Ponyville. As the strangeness, oddities, and weirdness of this world are the theme of this week's Gallery, and that has brought all manner of odd occurrences with it. But that is a story for another day, for it is time to officially open the Gallery for everypony's perusal.

Gallery for Week 318

01. Jezendar
For Lyra, strange behavior isn't all that rare.

Some just love to take things literally, at least when they get to leap laterally. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Week 317 Wrap Up

Hey, watch this! I'm gonna do a double loop-de-loop into a blazing backflip, then shift into a meteor dive from which I will land on top of this tiny crystal goblet without so much as chipping it. And I will do it all without wings! How am I going to pull this off, you might ask? Well...

I'm not. It's extremely difficult to pull off such aerial acrobatics when one does have wings. For the wingless, like myself, it's basically impossible. But I did get your attention, didn't I. And that is the point of showboating: to get as much attention as possible. But at least I'm not doing this merely to stroke my own ego, as is often the case with showboaters. Rather, I'm doing this to garner attention for this week's Gallery. For within these hallowed halls reside an exhibit showcasing multiple other forms of showboating, as that is indeed the theme for this week. So allow me to show you to the entrance, so that you may experience this grand spectacle.

Gallery for Week 317

01. AnimatorWil

There are those that revel in exercise, and they also tend to vocalize. - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

Find a wave and let it carry you, you may just feel as if you flew. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Week 316 Wrap Up

Hello, all you bleep-ing ponies out there! It's such a lovely bleep-ing day today, am I right? The bleep-ing sun is shining, there's none of that fluffy white bleep blocking the sunlight with their bleep-ing rain, and all the pony bleep-es and bleep-s are out and about, enjoying this bleep fine weather!

Oh, what was that? "Why am I swearing so much?" Oh, well this week's theme was A Cursing Pony, and I'm just... wait what? "Cursed Pony"?

Err, oops. Seems I was actually showing off the Misguided Pony part of the theme. Without actually intending to. That would explain all the dirty looks. So, umm... how about you all just go ahead and check out our gallery while I, err... demonstrate the classic Brave Sir Robin strategy. Gottagobye!

Gallery for Week 316

01. AnimatorWil
Gilda: Those...dweebs.

Sometimes others can be quite mean, even when they should make you queen! - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

Glowing eyes showing fury, I'd leave her in a hurry. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Week 315 Wrap Up

Heisting is a fine art. Any fool can run into a business guns-blazing and grab whatever's in the register, but that'll just result in the police running in after you with their own weapons at the ready. Nopony likes a murderer, and the authorities are relentless in the pursuit of such killers. As such, a true heister does things nice and quiet. First, get as much info as you can. Case the joint, if possible. Figure out where the valuables are kept, and what they're worth. Determine the patrol routes of any guards, and the presence of other security measures. We heisters aren't movie stars; getting caught on camera is a really bad thing. Then, once you have your plan all laid out, it's time to act. Sneak in, avoid security, grab the best stuff, and get back out with none the wiser!

And one last piece of advice for you all, one that you'll likely not want to hear. Should the police succeed in catching up to you, it is time to surrender. Cops are well armed, well trained, and work in teams. Indeed, for each cop you see, there's another hidden nearby; on a rooftop, behind a nearby vehicle, or coming in through the back of the building. 'Tis true that no heister likes getting caught, but just remember: It's far easier to escape a jail than to escape a grave.

But enough of the doom and gloom stuff. Instead, let's see some true heisters in action. The evidence is found below. Just don't tell anypony with a badge what you saw here.

Gallery for Week 315

01. AnimatorWil
"Ho,ho,ho! Your apprentice is now my apprentice, Sparkle!"

Beware of those who'd steal your students, or they may acquire a few dents! - fetchbeer

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Week 314 Wrap Up

Big money, no Whammies, big money, no Whammies... Stop!

Aw dangit, I got a Whammy. That's the problem with gambling: It's never a sure thing. It's just a roll of the dice; sometimes proverbially, sometimes literally. Fortunately, this isn't the only way to earn an income. One can simply get a job, for instance. And while working for a living may not have that massive potential payoff of a lucky gambling streak, it does provide income much more consistently.

These and other ways of gaining an income have been the theme of this week, and it's time to see what everyone has come up with along these lines. Check them out below:

Gallery for Week 314

01. AnimatorWil
'Take a gamble of me. Come on, come. Just one try. Take a gamble on me. Know that I will never lie. Just one try. Just don't tar and feather me, oh, oh, o-oh.'

Some beings you should never trust, or at least check their bits for rust. - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

Watch for spiders who can eat you whole, and always leave someone on patrol! - fetchbeer