Sunday, 26 November 2017

Week 335 Wrap Up

Alright, everypony. Put on your yarmulkes, because it's time to celebrate... wait, it isn't? Dangit, I seem to be getting ahead of myself. Then it must be time for the jingly bells and flying deer holiday! Ho, ho, h...old it, you say? Not that one either? Hmm...

Ah, so it must be the skeleton holiday, then! No, nonono, I don't mean the spooky scary skeleton holiday. I'm talking about the remembrance of ancestors skeleton holiday! That one isn't nearly so scary. Wait, it's not that one either? Well, is it the one where everypony comes to view those trees with the pink blossoms? Not that one either? Well, which holiday is it, then?

Oh! So it's that holiday. No wonder all the turkeys in town have been hiding behind Fluttershy's cottage. Somepony should tell them that Equestria doesn't actually celebrate that one. I'm sure they'll be thankful for that bit of info.

Gallery for Week 335

01. AnimatorWil

Always have time to give a hug, never leave them with a shrug. - fetchbeer

02. TunRae

Fill up your stomach with your friends, but don't be sad when it ends. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Week 334 Wrap Up


I bet you weren't expecting that to be the first statement in this blog entry. But sometimes a writer has just got to be random. Or perhaps I've simply spent too much time around Discord as of late. He may not be a villain anymore, but that doesn't make him any less chaotic.

But time grows short. Literally so; I'm technically past the deadline now. So I shall likewise cut this entry short and allow you into the Gallery. Writing has been the theme of this week, even if I've done relatively little of it here. But that is balanced out by the writing of others. So feel free to wander in, and see what has been written by ponies who are better at it than I often am.

Gallery for Week 334

01. AaronMK

Lurking round corners with a knife, trying to find meaning in life. - fetchbeer

02. AnimatorWil

Pondering every single line and word, hoping they don't seem absurd. - fetchbeer

03. Jezendar

Are letters disappearing from your speech, it might be due to a verbal leech! - fetchbeer

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Week 333 Wrap Up

Ponies are a remarkably diverse species. First, you've got the three major variations: earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. And then you add in the rarer variants, such as alicorns, crystal ponies, and batponies. And all of these come in a riotous variety of color schemes and body shapes.

But even then, ponies are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this world's diversity of sentient life. Zebras, buffalo, griffons, and donkeys rub shoulders with ponies on a regular basis. Yaks, changelings, and diamond dogs can bring friendship or trouble, depending on the whims of the individual or group being dealt with. And then there are the large and potent species, such as dragons and sphinxes, which thankfully are typically encountered alone, given they're often powerful enough to overcome even groups of ponies.

And that still isn't all of them! As you can see, Equestria plays host to an incredible variety of sentient species. So be careful what you say around an unfamiliar life form. It may very well respond to you... or tell someone else what you said.

Gallery for Week 333

01. GoggleSparks

Some collect the strangest things, at least he does't gather wings. - fetchbeer

02. AnimatorWil

To much grinning can be disconcerting, as if to feral nature you're reverting. - fetchbeer

03. Jezendar

When you've been pushed to the brink, you might as well have a drink. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Week 332 Wrap Up

Darkness creeps across the land,
The midnight hour is close at hand,
Creatures crawl in search of blood,
To terrorize your neighborhood.
And though you fight to stay alive,
Your body starts to shiver.
For no mere mortal can survive,
The evil of the Thriller!

It's my favorite time of year again. That time of year when the darkness is both feared and celebrated in equal measure, though that may not hold true for some individuals. A time for little foals in ghoulish garb to wander the town at night seeking candy from the townsfolk, all the while telling spooky stories of the ghosts of Equestria's past.

So let us open the doors to the Gallery this dark evening, and see what dark forms lurk in this week's creations.

Gallery for Week 332

01. HatsInSpace

Eye shadow that goes beyond the face? How does makeup float in space? - fetchbeer

02. AnimatorWil

You don't always have to look behind, it may be better to be blind. - fetchbeer

03. TunRae

What is this smile haunting my dreams, it will probably lead to many screams. - fetchbeer

04. Jezendar

Some days the darkness seems to swallow, leaving you alone to wallow. - fetchbeer