Sunday, 26 August 2018

Week 374 Wrap Up

So I've got the strange old painting here. I would go with the "It belongs in a museum" joke, but "It belongs in a Gallery" makes more sense at the moment. As for what 'it' is... umm... Seriously, what is this thing? It's a painting, of course, but of what? Some strange pony-dog... thing that seems to be eating... umm, actually let's not dwell on that part too much. I got this from a totally-not-at-all-shady back alley dealer; said the artist was named Pick Mane or something...

But yeah, studying this strange painting is totally a good idea. After all, this is what archaeology is all about! Researching the artefacts of the past to learn about the cultures of the time. And it is not limited to artefacts from a thousand years ago, but also to items from the more recent past, such as this roughly eighty year old painting. So let's go ahead and hang this certainly-not-disturbing oddity in the Gallery, then see what else has been uncovered this week.

Gallery for Week 374

01. Jezendar

Sunday, 19 August 2018

Week 373 Wrap Up

The sun was shining brightly, shining with all it's might. And trying hard to fill the world with more than a bit of light. And this was odd because it was the middle of the night! 'Dark and stormy' it wasn't.

And that, my dear ponies, was the mystery at hand! Why was the sun still up at midnight? Did something happen to Princess Celestia? Was she sick? Did she lose her powers? Replaced by an imposter? Pranked by her sister? Ate too much cake? Well... probably not that last one; I think her supposed cake overindulgences are something the tabloids made up.

Nonetheless, an investigation is needed. But I'll need to do it quietly; the Agents of S.M.I.L.E. are ever watchful, and do not like outsiders poking around the palace. This will need to be done in disguise; an undercover operation will let me get to the bottom of this. Wish me luck; I'm gonna need it!

Gallery for Week 373

01. Jezendar

When trying to add a bit of spice, rethink your disguise once or twice. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Week 372 Wrap Up

Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again! Or at least, that's what my announcement card says; personally, I thought it was still four months off. I know they say that the holidays come earlier each year, but I don't think this is what they mean.

Well, regardless of the odd timing, Hearth's Warming is indeed here again, for the week at least. And with it comes all the usual stories and fairy tales of the holiday, and probably some unusual ones too. And believe me, you don't know 'unusual' until you've heard the labyrinthian tales of how Minotaurs celebrate the holiday. But those tales will need to be told later, for the time to open the Gallery has come!

Gallery for Week 372

01. Jezendar

Sunday, 5 August 2018

Week 371 Wrap Up

Are you ready to Rock!? No? Well, alright then... Let's Rock Anyways!!

*promptly does epically horrific guitar solo, ending abruptly when the strings break*

Err, oops. Maybe I should leave this to the professionals. But at least I didn't break anything else. But at any rate, the time has come to open up the Gallery for this evening. So rock on, all you crazy ponies!

Gallery for Week 371

01. AnimatorWil

One might say that stones don't drink, but I'm sure I saw one wink! - fetchbeer