Really, though, I do want to say that I am just stoked about the number of Minecraft ponies in here, and, as a hardcore Tolkeinophile, any Lord of the Rings references have a special place in my heart. Beyond that, I'm glad that so many of you took creative routes as well - I see you there, hipster ponies.
But above all, I'm just happy to see you all participating and growing in this group :) (Sorry, I'm still a little mushy from the bonus theme).
Anyhow, enough rambling from me; on with the show!
01. Larrle
(In his spelunking this pony does elate, except of course when a nearby creeper detonates. - fetchbeer)
02. ~pinkypies
(Diggy diggy holes, diggy holes! -Lunar)
03. Predelnik
05. 13era
(This is the worst prank to play. By which I mean the best. -Lunar)
06. Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
(Scratch is to famous to be underground, no more famous DJ unicorn could be found. - fetchbeer)
07. Hazzdawg
(We're glad to have you with us :) -Lunar)
08. Coin-Trip39
(Strange things are lurking in the dark, be very glad of your lantern's spark. - fetchbeer)
09. SamuelEAllen
(This made me chuckle! -Lunar)
10. LendABit
(Little Scootaloo likes her drill, to get her cutey mark this way would bring a thrill. - fetchbeer)
11. PnFink
12. demented-Mr-Paulsen
(I wonder what pony occupies this tomb, and just how long they've been in gloom. - fetchbeer)
13. fiendaffliction
(Eerie and beautiful! -Lunar)
14. Runbow Dash
(There is a spy who lurks in Ponyville, though they've hid themselves with quite some skill. - fetchbeer)
15. pozdn9k
16. hip-indeed
(Yours is the drill that will pierce the heavens! -Lunar)
17. Amehdaus
(Though this pony seems to slumber in the cave of Plato, I thought she wanted to be a tree not a potato. - fetchbeer)
18. ZeldaTheSwordsman
19. GoggleSparks
(At the border the zebra stops, while his precious booze evades the cops. - fetchbeer)
20. The Laughing Horror
( D: -Lunar)
21. The Laughing Horror
(This is just ADORABLE! -Lunar)
22. Rekiara
(These fillies sure love their alliteration, though I am glad this is not incarceration. - fetchbeer)
23. Rosemary Thyme
24. VegemiteGuzzler
(Love the perspective in this one. -Lunar)
25. VegemiteGuzzler
(So this is where Trixie did escape, at her comfort as a seat I am agape. - fetchbeer)
26. Schluberlubs
27. Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
28. DanTR (a.k.a Eliel Micmás)
(So lucky to find crystals here, while the surface is still near! - fechbeer)
29. Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
(Good boy! -Lunar)
30. BrokenHero0409
31. Acceleron
(With their fluorescence these gems daze, with these every color they do blaze. - fetchbeer)
32. TerribleTransit
33. Philith
(Yesssssss! -Lunar)
34. Delta Pangaea
35. Invidlord
(This also made me chuckle. Something about Derpy! -Lunar)
36. SeaBastian
(Underground enough for me ;) -Lunar)
37. Lunar Apologist
(What have you unearthed in your frantic excavation? Have you now causes the ruin of the pony nation? - fetchbeer)
38. Prismatic Pretzel
39. NightOfAccordionSax
(Are you sure you want to venture into the dark, wouldn't you like it more at noon and in a park? - fetchbeer)
40. Im-Not-Sue
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