You know, scratch that. I was going to be doing a school-themed post over here, but I figure enough of us spend time in a classroom on a daily basis that none of us need more of it over here as well! Ponies are for fun, not for fancy book-learnin' and whatnot.
And really, most of the greatest things we learn had nothing to do with being inside a classroom, anyway. So, I'll just say that I hope you've learned something, this week - about yourselves, about drawing, about anything! After all, learning is what keeps us growing; not only as artists, but as people.
Aw, this is gettin' sappy. Let's just have a look at some pony, shall we?
Gallery for pony in school or learning
01. thebigapple
Just stick that squid thing on your hoof, and it will make the aliens all go poof! - fetchbeer
02. Firegoddess2148
Butter Drop (Generation 3 toy) learning to bake!
03. Japanese Teeth
Could have been more complex (I was originally going to have a thought bubble with RD actually flying), but i have too much other stuff to work on.
04. SamuelEAllen
Growing up is not always easy for a walleyed pegasus, especially when school is involved.
On her work Derpy just can't focus, but the teacher's wrath is just bogus! - fetchbeer
05. aj_joe
Needed another excuse to draw Generator Lyra XD
06. Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
Ah'm supposed to buck that?
This little filly thinks the tree's too big, maybe she should try to buck a twig. - fetchbeer
07. vguy11
well here it, have a nice day!
08. jaybeebug
09. Ashantiaja
Is this a pony playing violin in a tree? A practice position that seems quite gutsy. - fetchbeer
10. TheLastUnknown223
11. Ybrik
We will all be in school, FOREEEVER
Work is indeed much like school, but your boss will yell more if you drool. - fetchbeer
12. Runbow Dash
13. hip-indeed
This cutting implement has me worried, I just hope that pip is unhurried. - fetchbeer
14. demented-Mr-Paulsen
sorry, i couldn't think of anything else. to be fair it is a learning insitute
15. ScuriLevenstein
16. Invidlord
What? Dash has no time for School!
Why would dash flip the poor table? Sure to study she is able! - fetchbeer
17. exoteeque
18. Hazzdawg
Stop looking at me like that, Spades. I've already drawn you! What more do you want? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? D:
I think his tail is still wagging, as his desire to be drawn is unflagging. - fetchbeer
19. Forward Bias
20. BrokenHero0409
I did this in some classes to the professor's protests, but he was happy that I still passed all my tests. - fetchbeer
21. Philith
22. phallen1
We all hit a few bumps when we first learned to drive, right?
I wonder on her test what Twilight scored, for at the repair bill she'll be abhorred. - fetchbeer
23. FuzzyStreak
Studying light
24. Prismatic Pretzel
Of course Derpy would eat lunch while flying round while her friends sit on the ground. - fetchbeer
25. Octavia-Sandwich
26. AmbroseButtercrust
27. Delta Pangaea
I've heard that schoolfillies are quite naughty, maybe this one knows karate. - fetchbeer
28. Jezendar
Littlepip learning the code for Stable 2's entrance. Work-in-progress; complete image (including speech bubble) should be ready within a couple of hours.
29. UnlicensedBrony
30. Glaive-Silver
31. ZeldaTheSwordsman
32. StillWatersPony
33. NicolasNonexist
34. NyanMaster
35. Norque
36. ThunderShock0823
37. Sokolas
38. A Brony Account
39. neodorkas
41. GvimBlade
42. Muffinsoul
43. Natural-Melody
44. StillWatersPony
45. Paladin-Drakkenwolf