So, I want to thank all of you who participated in this theme. It was right at the end of the NATG, when everyone was burning out a little anyway, and also right at the start of a lot of you (including me) going back to school. And even further, it was a theme designed to stretch your abilities some - either in requiring a comic, or in making you come up with an interesting interpretation in order to fit it into one panel. Which, I have to admit, was pretty poor timing on my part. So, you have my apologies for making it hard on you, and my gratitude for forging ahead and doing it anyway!
Now, before we go on, I have a question to ask: I know a lot of you leave comments on your images, which we've been taking out to have us admins leave comments, like Phoe did in the original NATG. But, seeing as the NATG left in all user comments and Phoe wasn't able to leave any comments of her own... Would you like us to leave them in, from now on? Please leave a comment saying which you'd prefer!
And now... on with those theories of Equestrian Genesis!
01. smega39
That's quite the party cannon! -Lunar
02. GoggleSparks
To prove her point a collider she should build, though with that digging her mother won't be thrilled. - fetchbeer
03. Scyphi
04. the-laughing-horror
This is extremely subtle, and quite beautiful. Excellently done. -Lunar
05. SamuelEAllen
These ponies and their too short signs, unable to fit names in it's confines. - fetchbeer
06. Runbow Dash
07. Scutaloo
08. DarkAudacity
From her horn the land did spring, and life to all the ponies bring. - fetchbeer
09. Forward Bias
When in doubt take the theme literally. :3
You crazy pony, you! -Lunar
10. Thattagen
Magic is a good solution, and could lead to a land's constitution. - fetchbeer
11. Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
Really more of a thesis than a report! -Lunar
12. Invidlord
13. Prismatic Pretzel
Of course Sagan says it starts with pie, so this pony decides to give it a try! - fetchbeer
14. hip-indeed
Oh my gosh, so adorable! -Lunar
15. Delta Pangaea
16. Jeff Martinez
17. ZeldaTheSwordsman
Sorry, missed it on the last sweep; in now! -Lunar
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