I'll be honest, I should have spent more time writing this. But instead, I spent a solid 10 minutes staring into space imagining I was stomping through a city. Should have been born a kaiju, or something.
But I guess it's not all laser-breath and sunshine there. I mean, we've all seen the movies! The best ending you get is retreating into the ocean from whence you came to lick your wounds and come back in a sequel. At worst, you're food for some other monster, or vaporized by some death-ray, or... whatever. It's not good!
Fortunately, we don't have anypony suffering that fate this week! Instead, we seem to all be in the stomping-about state of affairs. Well, some ponies, anyway! I see some others of you have chosen to embrace the more... diabolical side of things! And others still have taken a shine to making monsters of ponies!
And I have to tell you, all the Japanese stuff brought a huge grin to my face.
Well done, all of you! Now, let's cease my ramblings, and get on with seeing your excellent work. :)
01. ShroomehTehPoneh
All the ponies will run in fear, now that this giant pony is here! - fetchbeer
02. DreamSnake
Asura's Wrath reference.
03. GoggleSparks
What mischief comes from a giant Scootaloo, watch out for to her you are but a shrew. - fetchbeer
04. dorkas
05. Duerplol
A giant pony steps upon a Lego roof, I just hope she doesn't hurt her hoof. - fetchbeer
06. demented-Mr-Paulsen
sorry i've been gone, did i miss anything?
You have missed the invasion of a number of giant ponies, it seems! -Lunar
07. Mortris
Such a creature makes me quake in fear, I'm not even as big as it's giant ear! - fetchbeer
08. Philith
09. Wicked-Brew
Not my best, but it was an interesting idea, so i went with it.
Who lived in that house she squashed! Was it some kind of rebellion that she quashed? - fetchbeer
10. AaronMk
Monstrous actions make monstrous ponies/people. And it should be no wonder the ponies of the Crystal Empire fear King Sombra.
11. Maddog10_20
It came, a rumble below the hearing that shook the bone, fire emanating form its mouths. The creature once known as 'Fluttershy' hid behind a ridge until it passed, and wept acrid tears.
All self lost in the depth of rage, as fury is released from it's mortal cage. - fetchbeer
12. Norque
13. fiendaffliction
Giant Pinkie Pie
The giant pony rampages across the land, but what tribute does it demand? - fetchbeer
14. Dahngrest
15. SamuelEAllen
I think this spell needs a correction, otherwise she'll continue to look like a reflection! - fetchbeer
16. keelen87
17. keelen87
The buildings shake as this monster approaches, as it smashes houses and tosses coaches. - fetchbeer
18. Liiinadesu
I approve of your kaiju cosplay! :D -Lunar
19. DAbestpony
Cue epic boss fight music!
I hope they know how to fight giant dinosaurs, otherwise they'll be covered with bruises and sores. - fetchbeer
20. Jezendar
That's no moon...
21. Random Dash
A giant or looking like one to Applebloom? Decide for yourself.
I didn't think that Big Mac was quite so tall, or did someone shrink Applebloom the be really small? - fetchbeer
22. hip-indeed
23. BrokenHero0409
A monster seeking to devour brains, but I'd rather see it in some more chains. - fetchbeer
24. ArmoredPegasus
25. Schluberlubs
I'm not sure I like how she stares down at me, what does she hope she'll see. - fetchbeer
26. ScuriLevenstein
27. Fuzzy Acorn Industries
Fluttershy as big as her kind, tender heart.
Fluttershy is kind at any size, even when all her friends are pint size. - fetchbeer
28. Invidlord
29. The Laughing Horror
Barns upturned a ponies consumed, it's a good thing toys are all that's doomed. - fetchbeer
30. dmtactical
So... awesome... -Lunar
32. phallen1
Please discard the previous submission and use this one in its place. I forgot the damn cutie mark! >_<
From some dark future this pony creature came, but will anypony accept the blame. - fetchbeer
33. AkiroAlpha
Critique and feedback would be very appreciated! :D
That globe before you is no muffin, please just put it back! - fetchbeer
34. Scyphi
Calvin and Hobbes references FTW.
Yessssssss. -Lunar
35. Delta Pangaea
A walrus stares with beady eyes, I fear I now face my demise. - fetchbeer
36. Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
So desu ne~! ...I am not good at Japanese. -Lunar
37. ZeldaTheSwordsman
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