Sunday, 30 October 2016

Week 279 Wrap Up

Quacky Quacka Quackquack. Quack quacky... err, quaquack? Umm...

Bah, this just isn't working. I have some important work to do this week, the kind that requires cooperating with a specialist. The problem is, that specialist... is a duck. And while that duck understands Equestrian, she can't actually speak it. It's not exactly easy to form Equestrian words when one does not have lips, after all. But it still makes conversation more than a bit difficult.

This task would be a lot easier with a translator available to aid us, but Fluttershy will be out of town next week. But at least she has been willing to aid me by trying to teach me how to understand the duck language. Which is not the slightest bit easy to pick up given that I don't have an animal-related talent like she does, but if I can understand even a little of what my partner is saying, it will make things a fair bit easier.

But enough about me. I'm certainly not the only one who has needed to handle an awkward team up, after all. Indeed, that has been the theme for this week's creations. So feel free to peruse the gallery, and take a gander at all the awkward artwork in there!

Hmm. That didn't come out quite right. Awkward...

Gallery for Week 279

01. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

The costume brings out the inner beast, longing for a candy feast! - fetchbeer

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Week 278 Wrap Up

Help! I need somepony!
Help! Not just anypony!
Help! You know I need... somepony! Anypony!

Things are such a mess here right now. The pegasi were bringing a big storm through this afternoon, and it got away from them! Thankfully the rain didn't get into the Gallery, but the wind certainly did. And it blew our pictures everywhere! I sent a messenger to get my friends in the hopes that they would arrive to help before visitors started arriving, but obviously that hasn't happened! I fear we may need to delay the exhibit's opening until tomorrow night.

Wait, what's that sound? Is that the sound of multiple galloping hooves headed in our direction? Yes, my friends have arrived to save the day! Or the night, as the case would be. With their support, I can have this gallery open right fast! So just give us all a few minutes, and you'll be able to peruse this week's exhibit to your heart's content.

So, how about a song to help things go faster? All together now:
I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends.
I'll get by with a little help from my friends...

Gallery for Week 278

01. Vaser888

Everyone needs a hug sometimes, no one should cry over spilled limes. - fetchbeer

02. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

Helping a friend learn to fly, letting them touch the sky! - fetchbeer

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Week 277 Wrap Up

Quack. Quack quack quaquack quack. Quaquackquack quack quaquack. Quack quack quack!

Quack quaquack quackquack. Quack quacky quack. Quack quacka quackquack. Quaquacky quacka quack. Quackquack quacka quack! Quackity quackquack quacka quack. Quacky wacky quackquackquack! Quackity quack quickquack!

Quack quackquack quack quaquack. Quackity quaquack quacky? Quack quack!

Hmm... In retrospect, perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to let the duck write the Blogger post this week. Ah well, too late now.

Gallery for Week 277

01. Vaser888

Not the nurse I want to see, stabbing a needle into me. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Week 276 Wrap Up

Ah, hello there! Welcome, mares and stallions, to this evening's gallery exhibit! We've got a plethora of water-borne ponies for your viewing pleasure today.

Wait, what did you just ask? "Where is my captain's hat?" Were you expecting some sort of sailor-themed diatribe this evening, simply because this week's theme is sailing? Well, of course you won't find that here. Why, we'd never stoop to such obvious jokes in this place! So I'm afraid you won't find any "Yo ho ho"'s or tricorne hats or bottles of rum here, and you certainly won't...

Umm, why are you all holding up 'LiarJack' pictures?

Ahem. Well, it is time to officially open up the gallery, so feel free to wander in and take a gander at all of the aquatic-themed pictures from this week. Just mind the tri-horned bunyips.

Gallery for Week 276

01. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

Hunting booty or hunting whale, he surely has quite a tale! -fetchbeer

02. Vaser888

Flying low over the ocean spray, a wonderful way to start the day! - fetchbeer

03. Huffy26
Somehow, a water fight between these two seems very fitting. =P

A fight in water or on land, will always feel a little grand. - fetchbeer

04. HalflingPony
There She Breaches!

05. AaronMk
"Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee." -Herman Melville, Moby Dick

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Week 275 Wrap Up

"Getting to know you,
Getting to know all about you!"

And I don't mean by going through your old discarded mail to steal your identity...

Ahem. But at any rate, ponies have been getting to know each other a bit better this week as they all take a moment to relax with their friends and family. After all, we all need the occasional break from the pressures of life, whether those pressures involve work, big upcoming changes in life, nosy in-laws, planning the next big con... Err, did I say that out loud?

Well, I think I'd better stop talking now, for... reasons. Yes, reasons. So feel free to take a gander at this week's display in the Gallery, and see how others have been relaxing as of late.

Gallery for Week 247

01. Speedy526745
This is the 100th ATG pic in a row for me. It'll also be the last one from me for at least a long while.

A whole herd staring at the sky, as they can't year bear to say goodbye. - fetchbeer

02. Huffy26
Not exactly the most original idea, but I've been meaning to draw more Rainbow Dash lately.

Sleeping on a fluffy cloud, nothing can possibly go wrong. - fetchbeer

03. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

Sleeping adrift in a shallow pond, of the water they must be fond. - fetchbeer

04. HalflingPony
Bad Case of the Mehs