Sunday, 23 October 2016

Week 278 Wrap Up

Help! I need somepony!
Help! Not just anypony!
Help! You know I need... somepony! Anypony!

Things are such a mess here right now. The pegasi were bringing a big storm through this afternoon, and it got away from them! Thankfully the rain didn't get into the Gallery, but the wind certainly did. And it blew our pictures everywhere! I sent a messenger to get my friends in the hopes that they would arrive to help before visitors started arriving, but obviously that hasn't happened! I fear we may need to delay the exhibit's opening until tomorrow night.

Wait, what's that sound? Is that the sound of multiple galloping hooves headed in our direction? Yes, my friends have arrived to save the day! Or the night, as the case would be. With their support, I can have this gallery open right fast! So just give us all a few minutes, and you'll be able to peruse this week's exhibit to your heart's content.

So, how about a song to help things go faster? All together now:
I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends.
I'll get by with a little help from my friends...

Gallery for Week 278

01. Vaser888

Everyone needs a hug sometimes, no one should cry over spilled limes. - fetchbeer

02. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

Helping a friend learn to fly, letting them touch the sky! - fetchbeer

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