Sunday, 31 December 2017

Week 340 Wrap Up

Jingle bells, Twilight smells,
Fluttershy laid an egg.
The Dashmobile lost a wheel,
and Nightmare Moon got away!

Merry Hearth's Warming and a Happy New Year to you all! And yes, that is how the song is supposed to go; I totally haven't had too much to drink... -hic-

Gallery for Week 340

01. AnimatorWil

Bring your friends close and hold them tight, it will make even the darkness bright. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Week 339 Wrap Up

"Everybody's working for the weekend
Everybody wants a little romance
Everybody's goin' off the deep end
Everybody needs a second chance."

You know, I've never really understood the first line of that chorus, as the rest of the song makes no mention of 'working' at all. There must be some meaning to this that is just going right over my head. Fortunately, this week's theme is much more straightforward than this musical line, and thus much easier for me to understand. And that theme, of course, is being on the job. So I shall cut this monologue short and get right on to my job, which is to open up the Gallery for you all:

Gallery for Week 339

01. TunRae

He must take forever to make his armor gleam, though it does give him a right to beam. - fetchbeer

02. AnimatorWil

Even the most stressful jobs need to have some mirth, especially those involving childbirth. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Week 338 Wrap Up

Machines are a growing trend here in Equestria. What started as a few simplistic gear-based devices has grown into locomotives, airships, and power-generating dams. Indeed, even small towns like Ponyville possess clock towers and railroad stations. And some of the richest ponies out there possess powered vehicles called "pony-less carriages". Which is an odd name, because they can't do anything without a pony in the driver's seat, so they're not really 'ponyless'. Well, unless a griffin is driving, or something. But then again, a normal carriage being used by griffins would be 'ponyless' also...

Ah, whatever. I don't name these machines, so I probably shouldn't stress about what they end up being called. Instead, I should worry about making sure the Gallery is ready for tonight. Fortunately, it is ready already, so without further ado, let us open up the doors and reveal the creations of this week!

Gallery for Week 338

01. EnkeiNN

What better use to put your tools, than to build new houses or new schools. - fetchbeer

02. TunRae

A long silver neck of shining steel, attached to a mind that is a wheel. - fetchbeer

03. AnimatorWil

Is this being more machine than mare? And can you take her red light glare. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Week 337 Wrap Up

Alright, this has gone on long enough. Pay attention, my minions, for it is time for drastic action. Yes, it is time to Unleash The Kraken!!

I said, Unleash the Kraken!

What do you mean, 'Ponyville is landlocked'!? Jeez, a pony can't even unleash unfathomable sea monsters on their hated foes nowadays. Curse you, Celestia, and your millennia of peace! What was that, minion? No, actually, I don't care whether or not Celestia was involved with the absence of the ocean in Ponyville! I also don't care whether you think you're my minions or just random passersby!

Bah! You know what? Let's just go check out the local gallery. They're doing an Unleash/Release theme of some sort this week. Perhaps it will show you how to properly Unleash your Fury upon your Mortal Enemies!

Gallery for Week 337

01. AnimatorWil

Sometimes you just need escape, though your exit leaves some agape. - fetchbeer

02. TunRae

Power streaming out of mouth and eyes, must have been a big surprise. - fetchbeer

03. Gemini Shadows
Been a while since I've done one of these, eh?

A little bit of wild power, may cause your enemies to cower. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 3 December 2017

Week 336 Wrap Up

It's music time! How does a little Jailhouse Rock sound? It certainly fits this week's Gallery theme, after all. For this week, we celebrate those ponies who have spent time in the slammer! Well, 'celebrate' is not really the best word for this theme, is it. After all, going to the big house is not exactly a positive thing. But even in a land like Equestria, it is sometimes a necessary thing. Sometimes you just gotta throw a pony in the dungeon. Or banish them, and then throw them into a dungeon in the place you banished them to.

Of course, some threats are too potent to hold in a typical dungeon. To bottle up such a dangerous felon, potent magic is often required. Something on the level of banishing the danger straight to Tartarus, or sealing them inside of the Moon itself. Though don't mention that last bit around the Princesses; they'll not likely react positively. Unless, of course, you actually want a one-way ticket to the infernal pits of Tartarus. But I highly doubt you would.

'Twould make it rather difficult for you to visit this Gallery, after all.

Gallery for Week 336

01. TunRae

A wall of glass surrounds your soul, and slowly isolation takes it's toll. - fetchbeer

02. AnimatorWil

Forcing a part of yourself away, but what price will you pay? - fetchbeer

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Week 335 Wrap Up

Alright, everypony. Put on your yarmulkes, because it's time to celebrate... wait, it isn't? Dangit, I seem to be getting ahead of myself. Then it must be time for the jingly bells and flying deer holiday! Ho, ho, h...old it, you say? Not that one either? Hmm...

Ah, so it must be the skeleton holiday, then! No, nonono, I don't mean the spooky scary skeleton holiday. I'm talking about the remembrance of ancestors skeleton holiday! That one isn't nearly so scary. Wait, it's not that one either? Well, is it the one where everypony comes to view those trees with the pink blossoms? Not that one either? Well, which holiday is it, then?

Oh! So it's that holiday. No wonder all the turkeys in town have been hiding behind Fluttershy's cottage. Somepony should tell them that Equestria doesn't actually celebrate that one. I'm sure they'll be thankful for that bit of info.

Gallery for Week 335

01. AnimatorWil

Always have time to give a hug, never leave them with a shrug. - fetchbeer

02. TunRae

Fill up your stomach with your friends, but don't be sad when it ends. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Week 334 Wrap Up


I bet you weren't expecting that to be the first statement in this blog entry. But sometimes a writer has just got to be random. Or perhaps I've simply spent too much time around Discord as of late. He may not be a villain anymore, but that doesn't make him any less chaotic.

But time grows short. Literally so; I'm technically past the deadline now. So I shall likewise cut this entry short and allow you into the Gallery. Writing has been the theme of this week, even if I've done relatively little of it here. But that is balanced out by the writing of others. So feel free to wander in, and see what has been written by ponies who are better at it than I often am.

Gallery for Week 334

01. AaronMK

Lurking round corners with a knife, trying to find meaning in life. - fetchbeer

02. AnimatorWil

Pondering every single line and word, hoping they don't seem absurd. - fetchbeer

03. Jezendar

Are letters disappearing from your speech, it might be due to a verbal leech! - fetchbeer

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Week 333 Wrap Up

Ponies are a remarkably diverse species. First, you've got the three major variations: earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. And then you add in the rarer variants, such as alicorns, crystal ponies, and batponies. And all of these come in a riotous variety of color schemes and body shapes.

But even then, ponies are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this world's diversity of sentient life. Zebras, buffalo, griffons, and donkeys rub shoulders with ponies on a regular basis. Yaks, changelings, and diamond dogs can bring friendship or trouble, depending on the whims of the individual or group being dealt with. And then there are the large and potent species, such as dragons and sphinxes, which thankfully are typically encountered alone, given they're often powerful enough to overcome even groups of ponies.

And that still isn't all of them! As you can see, Equestria plays host to an incredible variety of sentient species. So be careful what you say around an unfamiliar life form. It may very well respond to you... or tell someone else what you said.

Gallery for Week 333

01. GoggleSparks

Some collect the strangest things, at least he does't gather wings. - fetchbeer

02. AnimatorWil

To much grinning can be disconcerting, as if to feral nature you're reverting. - fetchbeer

03. Jezendar

When you've been pushed to the brink, you might as well have a drink. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Week 332 Wrap Up

Darkness creeps across the land,
The midnight hour is close at hand,
Creatures crawl in search of blood,
To terrorize your neighborhood.
And though you fight to stay alive,
Your body starts to shiver.
For no mere mortal can survive,
The evil of the Thriller!

It's my favorite time of year again. That time of year when the darkness is both feared and celebrated in equal measure, though that may not hold true for some individuals. A time for little foals in ghoulish garb to wander the town at night seeking candy from the townsfolk, all the while telling spooky stories of the ghosts of Equestria's past.

So let us open the doors to the Gallery this dark evening, and see what dark forms lurk in this week's creations.

Gallery for Week 332

01. HatsInSpace

Eye shadow that goes beyond the face? How does makeup float in space? - fetchbeer

02. AnimatorWil

You don't always have to look behind, it may be better to be blind. - fetchbeer

03. TunRae

What is this smile haunting my dreams, it will probably lead to many screams. - fetchbeer

04. Jezendar

Some days the darkness seems to swallow, leaving you alone to wallow. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Week 331 Wrap Up

It's that time of the week again! And this week, we've been celebrating the greatest of all super-spies! You know who it is, that suave and sophisticated stallion who seems to get all the mares. The one with all the high tech spy gadgets hidden inside ordinary items, like quills and sofas. The one who loves his cider shaken, not stirred. The one and only...

Wait, bonds of friendship? That's the theme, not spies? Oops. Well, that would explain the lack of actual pictures of him in the gallery. I must admit that is a better explanation than 'everypony drew him in such impressive disguises that he looks like a completely different pony in every picture'. But at any rate, it is time to open up the Gallery to you all, including any spies that might be in your midst. Because I wouldn't be able to tell anyways.

Gallery for Week 331

01. AnimatorWil

A postcard is worth a thousand words, like you are migrating with the birds. - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

Sometimes you just need some time to talk, even if the others balk. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Week 330 Wrap Up

When the moon hits your eye,
Like a big pizza pie,
That's amore!

You know, that song never really made sense to me. Seriously, what does pizza have to do with eels?

Well anyways, I hope you all like pie, because that has been the theme for this week. Apple pies, pumpkin pies, blueberry pies, pizza pies, and yes, Pinkie Pies. Especially Pinkie Pies. So many Pinkie Pies; it's like somepony unsealed the Mirror Pond or something. You know, somepony should introduce Marble Pie to the Mirror Pond. There could never be too many Marble Pies.

But I'm getting off track here. The time has come to open up the Gallery. And as an added bonus, we've got some special edible treats for you to enjoy in addition to the artwork. What kind of treats, you ask?

Well, cake of course!

Gallery for Week 330

01. AnimatorWil

Even pets want to help you cook, just don't make them read the book. -fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

Do not deny your love of pie, or you may take one in the eye. -fetchbeer

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Week 329 Wrap Up

Ah, relaxing. Sometimes you just gotta take a load off, especially after a tiring day at work. Life just wouldn't be bearable without time to rest. Time to give your weary bones a break. Time to...

Bleh, I fear I'm about to fall asleep, so let's get the Gallery open before that happens. Hopefully the strongly sedate vibes from this week's creations won't put you to sleep as well. Unless you want to fall asleep, in which case they hopefully will.

Gallery for Week 329

01. AnimatorWil

Sleeping soundly dreaming dreams, maybe about mountain streams. - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

Falling asleep wherever you are, for sometimes the bed is just to far! - fetchbeer

03. Huffy26

Dreams are not always all that restful, and can be quite eventful. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Week 328 Wrap Up

Hello, and welcome again to the Gallery. I had planned on setting up an obstacle course in the entryway, for our visitors to travers in order to reach the displays, but my co-managers nixed the idea. Apparently, they felt it was too much of a risk to our visitors, though I disagree with that myself. Seriously, it was just a little pit trap; the nurses would've fixed the fallen up right fast!

But I ingest... err, digress. I may or may not be hungry, but that's an obstacle I'll need to overcome with later. Right now, it's time to properly open the Gallery to you all! And don't worry, I did close off that pit trap just inside the entrance... I think. Being hungry makes it difficult to remember things.

Gallery for Week 328

01. Jezendar

Some days you just feel like doing lazy loops, that happen to go through flying hoops. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Week 327 Wrap Up

Cloud of smoke and he appears,
Master of surprise.
Who's that cunning mind behind
That shadowy disguise?
Nobody knows for sure,
But bad guys are out of luck.
'Cause here comes
... who was it again? Dangit, I forgot which masked hero this theme song represents. Bleh.

At any rate, masks and disguises are the theme this week. Such things are often worn by heroes, to protect their identities (and by extension their loved ones) and/or to strike fear into the hearts of the villains they oppose. But heroes aren't the only ones who wear such things. Indeed, their villainous adversaries often wear disguises of their own, to avoid implication in the crimes they commit. Disguises are also commonplace among both noble and ignoble spies, and which spies are the noble ones depends entirely on which side you ask. And masks are often worn by medical professionals, to minimize the spread of germs and viruses.

But that's enough monologuing for one night. It's time to turn our attention to this week's artwork. And I would recommend removing any masks you might be wearing before viewing said artwork, as masks tend to inhibit a pony's vision.

Gallery for Week 327

01. GoggleSparks

What visage could be behind this mask, but who would have the guts to ask? - fetchbeer

02. AnimatorWil

Something you'd wish not to see in the dark of night, especially if it wants to start a fight. - fetchbeer

03. Jezendar

Danger lurks in every shadow, makes you feel the need to tiptoe. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Week 326 Wrap Up

Are you part of the in-crowd? Are any of us part of the in-crowd? Indeed, fashion changes so fast that sometimes I wonder if even the in-crowd is part of the in-crowd. What the fashion magazines call trendy may very well be passé by the time you get to the local tailor. Or the local hairdresser, if the magazine is discussing mane styles rather than clothing styles.

Of course, art is not exempt from the whims of trendsetters, with different painting styles gaining and losing favor over the course of time. Impressionism, surrealism, post-modernism and a whole lot of other -isms have had their time to shine. And like all fashion trends, they still have their adherents even now. So let's take a look at this week's creations, and see what trends the artists are following right now, or what new trends they may be trying to set.

Gallery for Week 326

01. GoggleSparks

Letting ones mane down changes things, though it certainly doesn't give one wings. - fetchbeer

02. Redquoza

Try swapping manes if you get a chance, a different style may make you dance. - fetchbeer

03. HalflingPony

Even your friends may not recognize you, even though you stay the same hue. - fetchbeer

04. AnimatorWil

It's fun to dress up for the show, for it gives you a certain glow. - fetchbeer

05. Jezendar

Give in and let them dye your hair, you'll soon forget what colors there! - fetchbeer

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Week 325 Wrap Up

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, on a dark... wait, didn't I do this two weeks ago?

*Ahem.* In the begging, there was darkness. Then Celestia said, "Let there be light!" Err, wait. Didn't the unicorn tribes control the sun before Celestia first appeared? She may raise the sun, but she didn't actually create it or anything. Hmm...

In A.C. 2101, war was begi- actually, let's not reference that. 'Legendarily bad' technically does qualify as 'Legendary', but it's still bad.

Bleh. Writing a legend isn't at all easy. Maybe I should just stick with the classic legendary tales instead of trying to invent one. In the mean time, let's see what other creators have created this week. Perhaps they've had better results than I have.

Gallery for Week 325

01. Redquoza

A headless mare before the moon, bad things may happen soon! - fetchbeer

02. AnimatorWil

Walking through the misty street, looking for villains to defeat. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Week 324 Wrap Up

"You are all individuals!"
Yes, we are all individuals!
I'm not...

*facehoof* Oh dear, there's one in every crowd. Somepony who has to disagree with the masses, not for any actual preference or principle, but just for the sake of being different. Being a contrarian really isn't any better than being a conformist when either is done just for the sake of it.

But you may not agree with me on that. And much like being a lumberjack, that is okay. After all, we really are all individuals, and each of us has our own unique set of ideas, emotions, and desires. The trick is to be considerate of each other's ideas, even if we don't agree with them.

But I think that's enough prattling for one day. Instead, I shall now direct you to this week's Gallery, featuring a collection of ponies who may or may not be following the above advice.

Gallery for Week 324

01. Jezendar

Some ponies are blind to hues, and may not even own matching shoes. - fetchbeer

02. Redquoza

Some ponies need help with maps, their navigation being prone to gaps. - fetchbeer

03. AnimatorWil

Sometimes you just can't hide your objection, and doing so would cause dejection. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Week 323 Wrap Up

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, on a dark and stormy night, there was a Great Artist's Lodge that was co-ruled by a unicorn mare and a mechanical pony. The moon-marked mare was wise and elegant, and well liked by the Lodge members. The mechanical pony was intelligent and regal, and likewise well-respected, but still grew jealous of the mare. Thus, the scene was set for rebellion and conflict.

The rebels gathered up their forces, and led them into battle with the loyalists. Battlecries were screamed, lines were drawn, brother fought brother, passes were cut off, kings were castled, bellies were rubbed, splines were reticulated... whatever that means. *Ahem.* But then, the mare fell to darkness, and had to be banished by her own sister, to be magically sealed away within the moon itself for a thousand years! Uhh, wait... I think I'm getting my lunar mares mixed up. Let's try this again.

But in the end, the lunar unicorn prevailed and peace once again fell across the land! Even the great machine pony returned to the fold, continuing to co-rule as he had done before the war. The end!

Gallery for Week 323

01. AnimatorWil

Leaving a trail of flowers in your wake, making other feel their hearts quake. - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

Swords tend not to come with stones attached, for they aren't supposed to be used to bash. - fetchbeer

03. GoggleSparks

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Week 322 Wrap Up

Hup, two, three, four,
Dunno how to count no more...

Wait, does that even fit the theme? I mean, that is an odd couple of lines, but I'm pretty sure that's not the sort of 'odd couple' they want here. I'm pretty sure they wanted something more romantically inclined. Well, unless 'they' happen to be goblins, in which case the above lines might actually work.

But I digress. I'm sure you are all more interested in this week's Gallery than you are in my musings about a fantasy race's preferences. So let us instead focus on the reality of earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns instead! And zebras, and gryphons, and dragons, and minotaurs, and all the other species that live here in Equestria and beyond! There's a lot of odd couples to be found within this mix, after all.

Gallery for Week 322

01. Jezendar

Beware of capes and your assistants, and warn them to keep their distance. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Week 321 Wrap Up

Let's see... jerseys, face paint, giant foam fingers, really loud air horns, those weird helmets that hold drinks... Seems like that's everything needed to watch the big buckball game as a proper fan. At least, that's what Lyra says. Personally, I think this amount of stuff is only carried around by the most fanatical of fans, with the average fan bringing only some of these things, if anything at all.

But for those of you who are not attending the game, our newest gallery exhibit will be open shortly. And it will be full of fans and fanatics as well, partially because that is the theme of this week's exhibit. So fans on the walls being stared at by fans in the halls. And for those who wish to join in on the staring, the Gallery is now open!

Hmm. Perhaps I should bring some earplugs too, because those really loud air horns truly are really loud.

Gallery for Week 321

01. Jezendar

Dressed in blue with wiggling antennae, while causing havoc in the plenty! - fetchbeer

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Week 320 Wrap Up

As the old saying goes, "If your family tree doesn't fork, you're probably a Redneck." Wait, no. That's not an old saying, it's just some comedian's joke. And one that you should not tell around the Hooffields or the McColts. Not because they'd be insulted, mind you, but because those two families have been known to argue about which family laughs harder at it. Those two families may not be feuding anymore, but there's still a fair bit of competitiveness between them.

But families aren't just about jokes and feuds. They're also about love and support and arguing with sibling and sitting in the corner when you've done something bad. But mostly love and support. But enough rambling, it's time to check out this week's exhibit!

Gallery for Week 320

01. Jezendar

A new family member brings many smiles, and brings relatives from many miles. - fetchbeer