The rebels gathered up their forces, and led them into battle with the loyalists. Battlecries were screamed, lines were drawn, brother fought brother, passes were cut off, kings were castled, bellies were rubbed, splines were reticulated... whatever that means. *Ahem.* But then, the mare fell to darkness, and had to be banished by her own sister, to be magically sealed away within the moon itself for a thousand years! Uhh, wait... I think I'm getting my lunar mares mixed up. Let's try this again.
But in the end, the lunar unicorn prevailed and peace once again fell across the land! Even the great machine pony returned to the fold, continuing to co-rule as he had done before the war. The end!
Gallery for Week 323
01. AnimatorWil
Leaving a trail of flowers in your wake, making other feel their hearts quake. - fetchbeer
02. Jezendar
Swords tend not to come with stones attached, for they aren't supposed to be used to bash. - fetchbeer
03. GoggleSparks
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