Sunday, 19 February 2017

Week 295 Wrap Up

Hmm. Would a duck version of Daring Do be named Whip Quack?

Ah, you're all starting to arrive. Good, good! This week, we have a fine display of ponds and fowl. No, not 'foul' as in disgusting. 'Fowl' as in birds. Specifically ducks. These little birds are rather popular for their often comical behavior. And their preference for dwelling in tranquil waterways certainly isn't a negative.

But now, it is time to release the Quacken! Okay, even I thought that one was lame. Besides, it's actually just time to open up this week's Gallery. So allow me to duck out of the way and allow you to peruse the gallery. You're probably tired of the Anatidae puns anyways.

Gallery for Week 295

01. Vaser888

Relaxing by the peaceful shore, a pleasant time is never a bore. - fetchbeer

02. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

Dashing across the tranquil water, one might think she is an otter. - fetchbeer

03. Jezendar

One may think it takes some luck, to meet up with a friendly duck. - fetchbeer

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