Sunday, 26 March 2017

Week 300 Wrap Up

Tonight, for your listening pleasure, I shall recite some poetry.

I think that I shall never see,
A poem as lovely as a...
wait, is this going to be yet another 'Fluttershy is a tree' thing? *Ahem* Let's try something else.

Rock. You're a rock. Grey... Hmm. I'd better go with something else; this is a relatively new poem, and the poet might sue me over it. Here, let's try this one.

There once was a mare from Nanbucket, whoooo-okay, moving on!

Bah, this isn't working. I think I'll stick to my usual intros, and let the pictures in the Gallery bring the entertainment. So, without further ado:

Now towards the gall'ry turning, all my soul within me burning,
To reveal the art display that we set up the night before.
Like the raven's quiet flutter, not a single word I utter,
As I now reach out my arm to push aside the great doors,
Again I extend my arm to push aside the great doors.
To reveal this art forevermore!

Gallery for Week 300

01. Tun Rae
Inspired by The Spider and the Fly

Do you trust that giant thing, or do you instantly take to wing? - fetchbeer

02. AaronMk

It's hard to pay attention so such a speech, when you are distracted by such a peach. - fetchbeer

03. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

04. Vaser888

05. Jezendar

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Week 299 Wrap Up

Alright, everypony! We've got a production to, err... produce, and the cast is not gonna cast themselves! This is a movie about wizardry and magic duels, so we'll need plenty of spellcasting unicorns. And don't forget the plucky sidekick who just got out of the hospital; bonus kudos if that actor is actually in a cast. Oh, and while I have it in mind, somepony get in touch with Ironshod and see if he's got the casts we need to make the amulets we need. We've got a lot of wizard outfits to make, and crafting all of those amulets will take time.

But yes, let's cast aside our doubts, and get this undertaking underway!

Gallery for Week 299

01. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

A sudden flash lights up the night, an alicorn's magic light! - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

Of course she has to feed her pets, and they've already eaten all her assets! - fetchbeer

03. Vaser888

A magic spin to aid the ball, surely every pin will fall. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Week 298 Wrap Up

Welcome back to Wild Equestria, where we document the antics of the world's greatest creatures! And right over here, we find a pack of truly amazing creatures: the majestic artist. Notice the elegance with which they encircle their pony prey, tools held at the ready. Why, that poor pony is so stunned, she's virtually immobilized with fear! Yes, my dear sidekick, I know she 'looks' bored, but believe me when I say... uh oh, I think we've been spotted!

Okay, time to skedaddle on out of here. I don't want to find out just how deadly they can be with those tools, after all. And it is time to bring this episode to a close anyways, but do tune in next time for more footage of Equestria's wondrous wildlife!

Gallery for Week 270

01. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

Howling forlornly at the moon, much more dramatic than howling at noon. - fetchbeer

02. GoggleSparks
Dinky the Druid comes with Masterwork Leather Vest and Mushroom cap of wisdom (+6)!

A spear and mushroom cap, all the better to lay a trap. - fetchbeer

03. Jezendar

A feral pony shows it's stuff, though the wild left them rough. - fetchbeer

04. Vaser888

Stalking prey through the tall grass, trying to stealthily pass. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Week 297 Wrap Up

Well, this week has been quite exciting, and a little spooOOOooky too! So much energy, both corporeal and spectral, on evidence right now that you just don't know if you should quiver with excitment or shiver with fright!

And artists all over the community have been picking up on this energy and instilling it into their creations. Which we, of course, have collected into this week's gallery.

So, let's give a cheer to all the creators in this community! All together now: Brick-a-brack-a firecracka shish boom bah! Spirit Week, Spirit Week, rah rah rah!

Gallery for Week 269

01. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

A menacing cloud of fear and hate, who thought fog could be so irate. - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

The dead are not known for happy moods, for they can't eat their favorite foods. - fetchbeer

03. Vaser888