I think that I shall never see,
A poem as lovely as a... wait, is this going to be yet another 'Fluttershy is a tree' thing? *Ahem* Let's try something else.
Rock. You're a rock. Grey... Hmm. I'd better go with something else; this is a relatively new poem, and the poet might sue me over it. Here, let's try this one.
There once was a mare from Nanbucket, whoooo-okay, moving on!
Bah, this isn't working. I think I'll stick to my usual intros, and let the pictures in the Gallery bring the entertainment. So, without further ado:
Now towards the gall'ry turning, all my soul within me burning,
To reveal the art display that we set up the night before.
Like the raven's quiet flutter, not a single word I utter,
As I now reach out my arm to push aside the great doors,
Again I extend my arm to push aside the great doors.
To reveal this art forevermore!
Gallery for Week 300
01. Tun Rae
Inspired by The Spider and the Fly
Do you trust that giant thing, or do you instantly take to wing? - fetchbeer
02. AaronMk
It's hard to pay attention so such a speech, when you are distracted by such a peach. - fetchbeer
03. Lemon-Bitter-Twist
04. Vaser888
05. Jezendar
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