Sunday, 30 April 2017

Week 305 Wrap Up

Passion! It drives many a pony to do the things they do. Painters, musicians, writers, and other artistic types often have a lot of passion for their work, and use that to drive their creativity. And of course, such passion isn't limited to artistic pursuits. Many craftsponies are also passionate about their jobs, producing items of high quality for discerning buyers.

And that is what we are celebrating in this week's gallery, passionate ponies and the high emotions passion can bring. So without further ado, allow me to open up the gallery for you!

Gallery for Week 305

01. Wag-Tail
Both with passion to not be stopped. Who will keep going?

Circling in endless confrontation, these adversaries end in consternation. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Week 304 Wrap Up

"Try or try not; there is no do." That's what my mentor always said... I think. Something like that, at least.

But yes, Mentors and their Students are the theme for this week. It's been a celebration of what we can teach to, and learn from, each other. After all, learning isn't limited to formal school settings. Friends often learn from each other, both through direct training and simply through teaching by example.

And should you take the role of mentor yourself, your student will hopefully not develop a fascination with teacups.

Gallery for Week 304

01. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

Everyone should learn to float a book, though hopefully not in a stream or brook. - fetchbeer

02. Vaser888

An encouraging word is always nice to hear, and may leave you grinning ear to ear. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Week 303 Wrap Up

Alright, the Dark Lord's forces are arraying themselves upon the northern hills. The time has come to meet their advance, and take the battle to them! Apple Splitter, collect your archers and lead them to the eastern hills. That will give you a good view of the battleground, and allow your bow-wielding forces to fire their arrows with near-impunity. Sir Iron Shield, your heavy soldiers will line up at the base of those same hills. The Dark Lord will undoubtedly recognize the danger that archers on the high ground pose to his forces, and will seek to uproot them as quickly as possible. It'll be your job to prevent that from happening.

As for you, Lord Pommel, your forces will assemble in the central field and charge the Dark Lord's forces. Now, make sure you wait for the right moment! You need to wait for the enemy to come down off the northern hills first; otherwise you'll be charging uphill towards them. And I'm sure you remember what happened when General Pickett Fence did that in the Hooffield-McColt skirmish of '58. That's an example of strategy that you definitely don't want to follow! And finally, Iron Wind, you'll hold back at first, then charge into the enemy's flanks once they're engaged with Lord Pommel and Sir Iron Shield. The full force of your pegasus knights slamming into their side should be enough to break their resolve and win the day for us.

For Equestria!

Gallery for Week 275

01. Wag-Tail
Re-imagined video games characters as ponies. I like it :D

What is that noise in my ear, such squeaks do not endear. - fetchbeer

02. Tun Rae

Covered in fancy armor, definitely not the outfit of a farmer. - fetchbeer

03. Vaser888

Beware of a penchant for explosives, for behind it lie some murky motives. - fetchbeer

04. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

Arrows launched with extreme precision, not a moment for indecision. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Week 302 Wrap Up

Yorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue,
Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn. Bork! Bork! Bork!

Yen heer ve have de smorgasbord! Hue der dee poppincorn, lotsa lotsa popadeecorn! Und chocolate moose, vid moose so fresh, it-a shtill mooin. Yep, der moo-moo moose-moose! En fer du banana-nana-nana, fer du makeen dee bananana split. Ahn dee coconut; ahl dee coconut! Fer brehkun der shell, ve heve der bloonderboosen, fer de boom da shootin! Eyy fer du sher de Hiyooo!

BOOM! *Crash*

Uhh, maybe I should stop doing that act, before it gets anymore out of hand. You're all probably more interested in what everypony else has been cooking up, anyways. And you may find out below!

Gallery for Week 302

01. Tun Rae

Try not to be made into a soup or stew, there are better ingredients to brew. - fetchbeer

02. Vaser888

It's always nice to cook some food, and sharing it will improve your mood! - fetchbeer

03. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

Chopping things can be quite relaxing, though kitchen timers can be quite taxing. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Week 301 Wrap Up

Trick or treat!
Smell my feet!
Give me something...
Wait, it's not that holiday? But that's not what the Breezie told me.

Well... technically, he told me 'Fergin shaggah bul tricka myah gan bree'. Or something like that. 'Tricka' is Breezie for 'trick', isn't it? Its not? Oh. Well, that certainly explains a lot.

Hmm. I should probably take off this faerie costume then; I've been getting strange looks from ponies all day. In the mean time, why don't you take a look at this week's gallery. If these pictures are anything to go by, I'm not the only one who's been tricked today.

Gallery for Week 301

01. AaronMK

Beware of who you get to help you pack, or the boxes may give you a heart attack. - fetchbeer

02. Tun Rae
I am very pleased with how this came out :3

Trotting through giant blades of grass, watching while the hours pass. - fetchbeer

03. Vaser888

Stalking friends through the shrubbery, you are unlikely to be mistaken for a blueberry. - fetchbeer

04. Jezendar

Sometimes you'd give anything for earplugs, or even hearing chirping bugs. - fetchbeer