Smell my feet!
Give me something... Wait, it's not that holiday? But that's not what the Breezie told me.
Well... technically, he told me 'Fergin shaggah bul tricka myah gan bree'. Or something like that. 'Tricka' is Breezie for 'trick', isn't it? Its not? Oh. Well, that certainly explains a lot.
Hmm. I should probably take off this faerie costume then; I've been getting strange looks from ponies all day. In the mean time, why don't you take a look at this week's gallery. If these pictures are anything to go by, I'm not the only one who's been tricked today.
Gallery for Week 301
01. AaronMK
Beware of who you get to help you pack, or the boxes may give you a heart attack. - fetchbeer
02. Tun Rae
I am very pleased with how this came out :3
Trotting through giant blades of grass, watching while the hours pass. - fetchbeer
03. Vaser888
Stalking friends through the shrubbery, you are unlikely to be mistaken for a blueberry. - fetchbeer
04. Jezendar
Sometimes you'd give anything for earplugs, or even hearing chirping bugs. - fetchbeer
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