Sunday, 25 February 2018

Week 348 Wrap Up

They say, "One is the loneliest number." But they also say, "We're number one!", so I think that first saying is a load of horseapples. They also say, "It's lonely at the top," but I wouldn't know the truth of that.

But I digress. I hope everyone hasn't been feeling too lonely this week, given that being alone has been this week's theme and all. But then, being alone doesn't always entail feeling lonely. Introverts in particular, like myself, need time alone to recharge their batteries for future social interactions.

But the time to dwell on such things is nearly at an end, for the Gallery is about to officially open!

Gallery for Week 348

01. AnimatorWil

02. FenixTheFox93

03. Lux-The-Pegasus

04. Lux-The-Pegasus

05. Jezendar

06. MixedScales

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Week 347 Wrap Up

That's Princess Vile Betrayer to you! Oh wait, sorry about that. I had a certain movie running on repeat in my mind, and got carried away. Don't you hate it when your thoughts betray you like that? Hmm... But does that truly count as being betrayed by one's thoughts, or just a lack of focus? I'm not really sure.

It could be that I've just got betrayal on the mind because that has been the theme for this week's Gallery. A veritable treasure of traitors awaits within! And that is not a phrase I would have expected to say, but art can have that effect at times.

Well, it seems that the deadline has been reached; either my clocks have betrayed me or I got distracted. Err... it was totally the clocks' fault. Totally. But yes, the time for the opening of the Gallery is at hand, and must not be delayed any further.

Gallery for Week 347

01. AnimatorWil
Pinkie says: Come on Dashie, try a bite. It won't hurt you.

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Week 346 Wrap Up

Brick-a-brack-a firecracka, shish boom baaaa...ah'm not feeling this. I think I've made that reference before, anyways. Being a cheerleader is not easy when you're not exactly the most energetic of ponies, but at least I'm not out on the field. Seriously, how do those ponies maintain that kind of energy level? Constantly running and spinning and diving and leaping; I get tired just thinking about it.

Which is why I prefer my work here at the Gallery. Not nearly as much running around involved. Well, usually... Things do get pretty hectic around here when a major villain is on the loose, but that's usually only twice a year at most. And that's much easier to deal with than trying to keep up that pace through a full season of a typical sport.

But enough about that. It is time to open the Gallery this evening, so let us go ahead and do just that.

Gallery for Week 346

01. AnimatorWil
Rarity says: Focus is the key to victory, darlings!

Does she aim for a hole in one? Or just come out to have some fun? - fetchbeer

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Week 345 Wrap Up

I don't know what to write here, so I'm just gonna call this done. Goodnight, everypony!


Yeah, I don't think I could actually get away with that. But it's hard to write when you don't know what to write... which should probably get the response, "Hello, Captain Obvious." But it is nonetheless true. Perhaps I should seek out Mystery Inc., and see if they can find me some clues on what I should write. But sadly, I do not have time for such an endeavor. Or for much of anything else, for that matter. So let's turn our attention to this week's gallery, and see if any of the resident artist have any clue on what to do.

Gallery for Week 345

01. AnimatorWil
Maud says: ...

Some don't need words to convey their meaning, but can communicate through their eyes beaming. - fetchbeer