Sunday, 25 February 2018

Week 348 Wrap Up

They say, "One is the loneliest number." But they also say, "We're number one!", so I think that first saying is a load of horseapples. They also say, "It's lonely at the top," but I wouldn't know the truth of that.

But I digress. I hope everyone hasn't been feeling too lonely this week, given that being alone has been this week's theme and all. But then, being alone doesn't always entail feeling lonely. Introverts in particular, like myself, need time alone to recharge their batteries for future social interactions.

But the time to dwell on such things is nearly at an end, for the Gallery is about to officially open!

Gallery for Week 348

01. AnimatorWil

02. FenixTheFox93

03. Lux-The-Pegasus

04. Lux-The-Pegasus

05. Jezendar

06. MixedScales

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