Sunday, 27 May 2018

Week 361 Wrap Up

Love hurts... Love scars...
Love wounds... and marks...
Any heart not tough or strong enough,
To take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain,
Love is like a cloud, it holds a lot of rain,
Love hurts... Ooh love hurts.

"Love is a many splendored thing," as they say... whoever exactly 'they' are; I think it was a band or something. But they are nonetheless correct, I'd say. Love is not always easy, but it is easily worth the effort.

Gallery for Week 361

01. AaronMK

Every party has a center of attention, though hopefully they relieve the tension. - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

A new life is soon to come, already you can feel it's thrum. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Week 360 Wrap Up

Today's Blogger entry has been brought to you by the letter 'C'. 'C' is for 'cooperation' and 'competition'... and 'cookie', but that's a different thing. Cooperation and competition are two sides of the same coin. Each requires at least a couple of participants. One simply cannot cooperate with themself, after all. And while one technically can compete with themself, competing with others tends to be much more compelling. It's the plurality of contributors that makes both cooperation and competition so constructive. Ponies aiding or pushing each other, as appropriate, to greater levels of competency through these sorts of group efforts, resulting in much more capable ponies overall.

And I seem to be running out of 'C' words in my thesaurus, and thus I should bring this contrivance to an... okay, I know there's a 'C' word that means 'end'. What is it again? ... oh, right. 'Conclusion'. So yes, time to bring this contrivance to a conclusion.

Gallery for Week 360

01. Jezendar

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Week 359 Wrap Up

Yes, yeees. Everything is going according to plan. I've been an admin for more than four years now, and have long since taken the reigns of the Blogger. With each step I take, I garner a bit more trust from the other admins, and gain a bit more authority within the group. Soon, so very soon, my plan will come to fruition and I will take over as head admin. With the group's full resources behind me, I can begin the process of taking over other dA groups, then the site itself, then more internet sites. Before I'm done, the entire internet will be mine, all mine! MUHAHAHAHA!

Wait, did I say that out loud? Again?

Ahem. At any rate, enough of that blast from the past. This week has been about authenticity and, well, blasts from the past. So get your authentic classic brooches, vintage pie tins, and antique chickens, and come join us at the Gallery for a celebration of all things authentic, old or otherwise! And don't worry about villainous plots. I'm totally not up to anything, and that is totally the authentic truth! Totally...

Gallery for Week 359

01. AnimatorWil

What prodigal student doesn't have a secret life? Especially one that requires a sharp knife. - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar
Pinkie clone? (Not yet complete, but it will do for now.)

Ever make a secret clone? Even just to make your friends all groan? - fetchbeer

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Week 358 Wrap Up

Hey, everypony! How about a nice game of Charades?


Yeah, you're right. Charades does not adapt well at all to this particular format. Charades, as a form of acting, is mainly a visual format. And while one could write down a description of what the actor is doing, the act would basically lose a lot in translation.

Of course, the same could be said about pictures. There's a fair bit of truth to the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words", as it would take a great many words to accurately describe a single picture. So it's a very good thing that we can just post the pictures themselves here, so we don't have to try and describe each of them. Come to think of it, we could play a game of Charades if I draw out each action and post them here. But sadly, time's running far too short for such an endeavor. Perhaps another time. Instead, I shall go ahead and properly open up the Gallery for this evening, so we may see what sort of acts the artists have portrayed this week.

Gallery for Week 358

01. AnimatorWil
Rarity whispers: *Shhh* keep my passion alive I do what I must, darlin'. I realize that this is verily out of character for moi. But I find it quite the thrill at times.

What fiend could be behind this crime, what miscreant steals all the time! - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

A helping hoof onto the stage, you insecurities will assuage! -fetchbeer