Sunday, 7 October 2018

Week 380 Wrap Up

There are many lands outside of Equestria. Exotic lands of mystery, danger, and treasure. Or at least, that's what the Daring Do books say. But I rather doubt that the lands beyond our borders are actually like their depictions in this series. After all, it's not like these are autobiographies or something.

But I do know that these lands truly are exotic; realms of cultures very different from those of Equestria, and often inhabited by beings rarely seen here. Just goes to show that, though Equestria on its own is a country of multiple species and viewpoints, it still pales in comparison to the wondrous variety of the world as a whole.

Gallery for Week 380

01. AaronMK

A good book is worth relaxing for, just laying back and letting your mind explore. - fetchbeer

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