That's it! Week one of the Artist Training Grounds Alumni challenge is over. How did you do? I still had barely enough time because I'm awful at planning. Trufax: I wrote my dissertation in five days. By the end I was so strung out on caffeine I was apparently pacing around our flat's kitchen mumbling. Good times!
Well folks, you can consider the monocle well and truly propelled across the room. We've had 120 submissions from you for the main theme. That's amazing! I wasn't sure if folks were going to get behind this little venture, so seeing so many brilliant pony pics trickling in over the past week has been a complete pleasure. Thanks for taking the time to pony-up!
There's some amazing pictures in this bunch! Well done to everyone who contributed this week. From the mini masterpieces to the quickest little sketch every one is a commitment of your time to improving your art. Congratulations!
We've had a ton of submissions from some members this week. Well done! I've decided since this is our first week, and there were so many themes to play with, that I'd just put them all in! Well done you diligent bronies!
Just a quick word on the next theme. We'll keep the theme announcements over on DeviantArt and separate from the weekly wrap ups. There will be a bit of a gap between the wrap-up posting and the theme going up. Fret not! 'Tis all part of the plan.
So, without further prevarication; pictures of ponies...
UPDATE: Forgot to mention that this week is for catching up on any previous ATG theme. The new themes are now up on our main page at DeviantArt!
1 Alipes (Pinkie Pie is a witch! -Kits)
2 DarkKnightWolf2011 (The first of many! -Nullh)
3 kitsuneymg
4 purpletrauma (Down ze hole! - Nullh)
5 Maquark (Glass Armonica :) -Kits)
6 FoxOfWar (Number 1 in points! Cheerleader Luna may be my favourite Luna xD -Nullh)
7 Rhanoa
8 lozfoe444 (She looks so happy! -Kits)
9 Tsutanai-Neko (But Pinkie, there's no need to chop anything for this recipie /:| -Nullh)
10 lozfoe444 (Sketchy. Nice! - Nullh)
11 AbroseButtercrust
12 Invidlord (Excellent pun! You win 1 internet -Kits)
13 RydelFox (Heh, drool. I can relate - Nullh)
14 otherunicorn (How does she walk? -Kits)
15 hgraves (Sculptures! Awesome! -Nullh)
16 Philith (Evil dances not included - Nullh)
17 demented-Mr-Paulsen
18 AQNichols
19 JunaECBS
20 Amehdaus
21 Sir-Dangereaux (xD yay! -Kits)
22 SamuelEAllen
23 DarkKnightWolf2011
24 ColinMLP (Bikinis, eh? -Nullh)
25 yikOmega (Do not MESS with Derpy's muffin! -Kits)
26 MoonlightScribe
27 AmbroseButtercrust
28 Chromadancer
29 hgraves (I think I'm a little scared of Twilight now 8| -Nullh)
30 LuridChronomancer
31 DarkKnightWolf2011
32 darth-franny (So many from you Darth! And they're all quite lovely :) Thanks! -Nullh)
33 darth-franny
34 darth-franny
35 darth-franny
36 darth-franny
37 darth-franny
38 darth-franny
39 darth-franny
40 darth-franny
41 darth-franny
42 Naytree (BOING -Nullh)
43 DarkKnightWolf2011
44 yikOmega (Well done resisting calling this pic Fluttercry. I failed miserably xD -Nullh)
45 Dr-Octognomopus (Steampunk pony! YAY! -Nullh)
46 Argembarger
47 DI-FL (Some language, not bad. COMIX! -Nullh)
Adult Content. Click through to DevArt
48 Wolferahm (How horrifying! -Kits)
49 DarkKnightWolf2011
50 robkickflipman (In fairness, I laughed too! -Nullh)
51 SpiritofthwWolf
52 Jeff Martinez
53 darth-franny
54 CrunchNugget (YESSSSSSSSS -Nullh)
55 darth-franny
56 FoxOfWar
57 KuroiTsubabaTenshi (MOAR COMIX! -Nullh)
58 RaspleZS (I ain't sure about the despair :) -Nullh)
59 Easteu (Lovely, lovely stuff! -Nullh)
60 kitsuneymg
61 TheRecliner27
62 Woferahm (I have no idea :) -Nullh)
63 DarkKnightWolf2011
64 hayhedgehoghay (Moohoohahahaaa -Nullh)
65 MoonlightScribe (Carrot horn! -Nullh)
66 Argembarger
67 JunaECBS
68 Fetchbeer (She's PLOTting something ;) -Nullh)
69 Chromadancer
70 DarkKnightWolf2011
71 JeffMartinez (dshjfgljhdsnqvblk! Sorry. My Dawww circuit overloaded -Kits)
72 JeffMartinez (Two in a row! Need to get a cuteness surge protector -Kits)
73 JeffMartinez (I long to do a similar thing. Derpy, you are a lucky mare. -Kits)
74 KuroiTsubasaTenshi
75 DarkKnightWolf2011
76 Fox-E (Dash is unimpressed with my slipshod attempts at this site. Can't blame her! -Nullh)
77 Delta-Pangaea
78 DarkKnightWolf2011
79 fribox
80 Maquark
81 McGack
82 Atlur
83 WindfallPony
84 Nullh
85 lunarapologist
86 Moabite (I put her down as a WoW head -Nullh)
87 MoonlightScribe (Me either! -Nullh)
88 DespisedAndBeloved
89 Massyr (That pose! Fantastic xD -Nullh)
90 RydelFox
91 yiKOmega
92 al03480049
93 DarkKnightWolf2011
94 JeffMartinez
95 JeffMartinez
96 PastelPony (Upsetting :D -Nullh)
97 StarlightBolt (Nice line work. Well done! -Nullh)
98 kitsuneymg
99 AbroseButtercrust (Depth of field. Cool! -Nullh)
100 Invidlord (I made a lol -Nullh)
101 JeffMartinez
102 Randomjack32 (It's every man for Fluttershy in this pony's army! -Nullh)
103 UltraFamicom (Curse you Derpy! -Nullh)
104 ReadToasts (I get the feeling Twilight is better at drumming than me :) -Nullh)
105 VirgarianRainboom (WEEEEEEEE! -Nullh)
106 Argembarger
106 Argembarger
107 JeffMartinez
108 JeffMartinez
109 JeffMartinez
110 PVRyohei
111 Muffinsforever (Brushie brushie -Nullh)
112 Prismatic-Pretzel
113 Fatum--Inanis (Is this a reference to something? I suck so bad -Nullh)
114 necrodios
115 KuroiTsubasaTenshi (Soft shaded pencils? High-hoofs for you xD -Nullh)
116 A1CZERO (This turned out great. Good job! -Nullh)
117 LifeSequenceBreak (Man I don't watch enough anime -Nullh)
118 JeffMartinez
119 JeffMartinez
120 JeffMartinez (Jeff you're a madman! Put down the pencil! (Don't!) -Nullh)
Thanks so much for contributing everypony!
ReplyDeleteIt's 2:00am here. So GOODNIGHT!
You all did simply FANTASTIC XD
Well this went well.
ReplyDelete#77, here. I promised Lyra Plot, and I delivered. :D
It all looks so amazing! I'm going to search through all these deviations and comment on each and every one. Or die trying!
ReplyDelete#79 Spelled my name wrong :P Its fribox.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the dedication though guys, great job putting this together!
It's amazing how a week can seem so long, until the last day, when you realize that you just blew the week watching shows, reading fics, playing LoL or sleeping.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that the event marches onwards!
Now if I could spend a week on one piece instead of not even 20 hours, hmmm...
*snif* Phoe-style ATG post, oh I missed them so much! Still mechanically Checking EqD around this time every day.
ReplyDeleteGreat work everypony! And my sincerest thanks to our hard working admins.
sorry I didn't get to those of you who submitted towards the end. We basically have to comment and then message nullh the comments and he has to inline them manually.
ReplyDeleteI suck at scripting apparently
My heart aches to look at this gallery. I want to do more again. I want to do it so badly...
ReplyDeleteWay to go, everypony.
>>14 otherunicorn (How does she walk? -Kits)
ReplyDeleteThe answer: very badly!
Awesome catching up, everypony. I missed watching through these amazing piles o' arts, already.(N' ponies!)
ReplyDelete#58: it seems I'm not the only who was inspired by certain Luna fic. *sheepish grin*
Now, to figure out if I can actually draw somepony ELSE than Luna for a change...(all recent hints and hunches point to: "Maybe.")
@Phoe aww I know how you feel Phoe but it's glad to see you here :D
ReplyDeleteAlso great job everypony! Not as much at the EQ Daily one but still a good amount of submissions. Didn't do to well on my part though(#88)
Going to try better next time. Stay strong Bronies! :3
#113 whoo!
ReplyDeleteDespite having the whole week, I drew that entirely after 6 pm today.
Also, there's no reference, so don't feel bad! I actually re-did my OC pony from the first day, with mostly the same stance as before.
@Phoe Someday, someday...
Yay everyone! Just FYI, the link on #105 is broken for some reason, but it shows up in the group gallery fine.
ReplyDeleteNice to see that we've gathered so many new participants along the way. Good job everypony!
ReplyDeleteUh, Jeff? Do you actually sleep at all between drawings?
@fribox Sorry! Fixed it :D
ReplyDelete@Ambrose #105 is fixed. I think it got re-uploaded
@phoe We miss you Phoe!
#46, 66 and 106 reporting in.
ReplyDeleteThere are two 106es. Wat hapen?
Anyway, cool times.
#59 here.
ReplyDeleteOh it feels so good to be in one of these again.
This collection is amazing as is everypony involved in its creation.
I must pony up and actually comment on all these numerous pictures that I like.
(Why is it so hard to write comments, is it just me? I know perfectly well from my own expirience that there is no need to come up with anything fancy. A simple "I like it!" is enough to lighten author's day a bit. Yet too often I find myself trying to comment in not-so-mechanical manner, failing at it, and not commenting at all. I'm really sorry about this.)
We await your command! Um.. I mean when you'll feel like it, if thats ok.
I feel alive once again!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to all for participating! XD
Can't wait to see next weekend submissions! ^^
@Argembarger Wat? 2 lots of Super Meat Boy not enough for you?
ReplyDeleteOnly if you're confident that it won't cause a resonance cascade and lead to the end of us all
Oooo...Nullh and Kits comments to covet! 20% more awesome than Phoe comments and it only took the two of you to break the barrier. :) Thanks for carrying on in the great Phoe tradition. I can only imagine how much work this must be for you ponies. I promise, promise, promise to go through the directory this week and comment. Right now I am working on Twilight Sparkle for the 4th!
ReplyDeleteHappy Twilight Sparkles to you! *Swish...Boom!* Vote Twilight Sparkle as the patron pony of the 4th of July!
...and maybe Rainbow Dash, too!
@Phoe! Of course only our Great and Powerful Princess Phoe can wrangle the mighty comment keys with the proper and regale authority.
ReplyDelete(Ducks down behind a pastry table dragging Rainbow Dash with her: Shoot, didn't see her in here. Don't know how I could miss her with her radiate glow and blinding presence!)
@Delta Pangaea #77
ReplyDeleteIn the great NATG tradition you suckered me in with the ol' promise of Plot. You delivered, but as usual noting is what you expect around ponies. Very good! Thanks!
@Argembarger I forgot about the resonance cascade!
ReplyDelete@Virga Rainboom - I beg to differ. We are a poor, poor imitation of the shining example of the mighty and merciful Phoe.
92 here, also mfw this was amazingly posted like the original ATG
ReplyDeleteI guess it's going to be a tradition with me to miss the first entry on this type of thing. Had an "unexpected" (read: "oh right, I remember talking about that") trip sneak up on me during the days I was planning on cramming my submission. Oh well, hopefully I'll be able to get in on future ones. Nice job on these entries, everybody. They look great!
ReplyDelete#19 and #67...
ReplyDeleteAh... how I missed this! I felt so... unproductive... so... worthless... so... lonely (in my pony love)...
But, now, that's gone, and I'm back! Top shape! *woohoo*
As I used to try to list my favourites back then, I'll try to comment about them. But now that we're all on DA, I'll comment on their pictures! Let's see if I can do this! See ya, people!
@Virga Rainboom
ReplyDeleteThanks for telling us sweet, sweet lies. But you should stick to more believable ones in the future.
Just for reference: This event takes place at 2:00 am Monday morning for me. So I can only comment on pic that show up before, oh 11:00 pm Sun evening or so. If I wasn't so busy doing all my OTHER pony related stuff, I'd leave comments on DA too.
Still going to try...
Well I'll jump into this with all hoooves like I did last time but this is more manageable for me because of my job.
ReplyDeleteMore practice!
I love training grounds.
Woo! Hello new visitors from Equestria Daily!
ReplyDeleteIf you're looking to join the group scroll alllllllll the way up to the top and hit up the DeviantArt link :)
Heh I just noticed I am 112 here and was 221 on the first day of the old training grounds.