Sunday, 17 July 2011

Weekly Wrap Up 3!

Where does the time go? Already we're done with another week, and a crop of entries to show for it!

This week's theme was Poison Joke, and you all really stepped up to the plate! We've got a total of 80 entries; covering everything from the just the flower itself, to it's effects, to the multitudes of possible puns on the subject. Good work, everypony! :D

I feel like I really should have more to talk about, but this post is sort of last-minute for me! So... yeah! Enough of my blathering, on with the art!

Also, a special thanks to LegendaryM4n for this week's banner! It's really quite nice!

And if you're new to this blog and wondering just what this is all about, head over to our DeviantArt page and join in!

1 Hacchicat

2 egophiliac (Hasbro... How should I put this...? No! -LSB)

3 imnotparanoid68 (It's like Twin Peaks up in here -Nullh)

4 PRiSONFiSH (I am... disturbed -Nullh)

5 paulinaghost

6 Atlur (This is hilarious! I require more Ego fancomics! -Lunar Apologist)

7 Amehdaus (I really like the detailing on the petals! -Lunar Apologist)

8 KuroiTsubasaTenshi (Poor Apple Bloom is going to be so disappointed when she realizes... -Lunar Apologist)

9 RydelFox (RydelFox requested these three be put together for your viewing pleasure -Nullh)

10 RydelFox

11 RydelFox

12 Chromadancer (This should not be as funny as it is :) -Lunar Apologist)

13 AniGirl96

14 LyxanderThePony

15 ColinMLP

16 SamuelEAllen (Fluttershy would like you to know she's feeling a little depressed today -Nullh)

17 KuroiTsubasaTenshi

18 otherunicorn (Give her more! More! -LSB)

19 FoxOFWar (Can I have that cup? -LSB)

20 Maquark

22 AmbroseButtercrust (Stay off the drugs kids, seriously! -Nullh)
23 kirbycolours

24 kirbycolours

25 Sir-Dangereaux (Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring bananahorn -Nullh)

26 Invidlord

27 demented-Mr-Paulsen (Oh, the puns! -Lunar Apologist)

28 bananizen

29 RaspleZS (PUNS! -Nullh)

30 Tecknojock (Not one of your best ideas, Luna... -LSB)

31 TealDragon44 (She's looking right at me! Aaah! -LSB)

32 Naytree

33 DI-FL (What is this, I don't even... -Nullh)

34 Atlur

35 Argembarger (Applejack finally showing her age xD -Nullh)

36 KuroiTsubasaTenshi

37 Rhanoa

38 KUROGUAUGUAU (Begin transformation... -Lunar Apologist)

39 DarkKnightWolf2011 (NIGHT FEVER! -Nullh)

40 Moabite (TRANSFORMATION COMPLETE. -Lunar Apologist) (...and the 80's will never die. NEVER! -Nullh)

41 kitsuneymg (This cracks me up! -Lunar Apologist)

42 Inkypad (Is that light-up-keychain Fluttershy? -Nullh)

43 UltraFamicom (So punny, but so terrifying. I'm conflicted. -Lunar Apologist)

44 MoonlightScribe

45 MoonlightScribe (Ponies in socks. Will they ever stop being adorable? Survey says "No." -Lunar Apologist)

46 MoonlightScribe

47 hgraves (Pinkie the unicorn worries me on a deep, emotional level -Nullh)

48 JunaECBS (Disco Zecroa? -Nullh)

49 Arcifinious (Poor Zecora! I shouldn't laugh; but this is funny! -Lunar Apologist)

50 Easteu (Smug mode! -nullh)

51 NikkuWalkanov (Let's jam! -LSB)

"52 Alipes (Alipes was still soldiering on through a hand injury for this one - THAT'S dedication to art! -Lunar Apologist)
(*applaus* -LSB)

53 Prismatic-Pretzel

54 AQNichols (This is kind of a subtle joke. I like it! -Lunar Apologist)

55 hip-indeed (How did that flower get there?! -LSB)

56 ohthatandy (The expressions in this are PRICELESS. -Lunar Apologist)

57 Nullh

58 Muffinsforever (I feel I would be remiss if I didn't givBRUSHIE BRUSHIE BRUSHIE -Lunar Apologist)

59 wesmir (Sad now :( -Nullh)

60 TheWormOuroboros

61 lunarapologist (Oh, yes! Rainbow Dash approves! -LSB)

62 project-hedgecat (Alfalfa Monster! -LSB)

63 GonzaHerMeg (MOAR TO LUV! -Nullh)

"64 RiokennG3 (Fluttershy is somewhat... well endowed? -Nullh)
(Relegates to NikkuWalkanov's last panel. -LSB) "

65 WindfallPony (Most comfortable prank ever. -Lunar Apologist)


67 VirgaRainboom (I don't want to know, what happens, when your mind isn't wrenched and useless... - LSB)

68 Delta-Pangaea (And now on the Adventures of Young Nightmare Moon... -Nullh)

69 Adiwan (Landscapes? In my pony pics? I approve! -Nullh)

70 Fox-E Oh my gosh, ATG-Alumni fanart! Delightfully meta! :D -Lunar Apologist)

71 Fetchbeer (I love the ongoing story you're doing between weeks! -Lunar Apologist)

72 Rumikoholic (Does Pinkie grow this stuff for the lulz? -Nullh)

73 Wolferahm (The beast with two backs? xD -Nullh)

74 necrodios (This is cool. Looks like one of those blacklight pictures! -Nullh)

75 LeafGrowth (Reminds me of a Salvador Dali painting... -Lunar Apologist)

76 Jeff Martinez

77 Jeff Martinez (Sick, but still rocking the jewlery! -Nullh)

78 JunaECBS (1, 2, 3, 4, 5? -Nullh)

79 Terrible Transit

80 Arcum89


  1. Madness. Great work everypony! Everyone is popping out great stuff, and I know the next theme is gonna be crazy. Hope I have time to do it and WTG as well...

    Also, for my pic, I have a tiny lil context story.

    As she runs from the possessed brushes, the gleeful chilly voices of those that now hunt her call out: "Brushie Brushie, Colgate. Brushie Brushie, forever and ever..."

  2. Just brilliant work everypony. That we're still seeing so many entries, and of such high quality just floors me :D
    Well done to everyone who submitted this week. Comment or not we really appreciate that you put in the time to make these pictures, and we hope you have a good time doing it too.

  3. I really wanted to leave comments. But gdocs locked me out =(. And now I am too sleepy to makes sense of this.

    Curse nighttime

  4. Sorry Kits!
    We'll make sure things are a bit better organised next week for ye :)

  5. I know I said it in the post above, but I'll say it again - this is brilliant work, everypony! I wish I could have left a comment on every entry (I kept having to hold myself back!), but I know that's just not the way it's done.

    Amazing work, all! I'm so proud to be a part of this group with all of you :)

  6. I think this wound up being my favorite week of the Alumni Group thus far. I guess that was predictable, what with it being a giant excuse to make puns and bad jokes at other ponies' expense.

    Everypony, you did wonderfully. Creative use of the prompt, and brilliant execution all around. I giggled so hard. I would dearly love to leave a comment for each and every one of you, but it's fast approaching 4 am, and I'm afraid in my current state of mind I'm too likely to skip over something, and I don't want to do that. So in the interest of fairness, please consider this my tip of the hat and enthusiastic clopplause to each and every one of you.

    Maybe if I took to leaving comments on the DA pages themselves as they get released...

  7. I stand in awe of this amount of art.
    And something inside me is growing. I am proud.
    Proud to be part of this group.

    YOU guys are awesome. This group is taking so much time of my life right now, and I don't regret spending one second on it!

    Looking forward to comment next week! :D

    Btw, Lunar: Remember, what you requested, after you posted the link in the chat? I found something, ehe-hehe!

  8. Once again, the art here is awesome.
    To the point of it almost being worrisome.
    Poison Joke seems to get some Zecora art out of the woodwork,
    which indeed is a reward itself for this kind of "hard work."
    Kudos to everyone who arted this week,
    and let's what wonders next we peek.
    I'm not sure why am I rhyming everything like certain zebra we know,
    but I'll be damned if I stop only because it seems like such a low blow.

  9. This is awesome! I agree with Phoe that this is the best theme so far. Everybody did a great job. I felt I could of done better though. Really loving this poison joke. Great job Everypony!

  10. Gods above, below, and a little to the left, I drew Nightmare Moon's head huge.

    I think I overcompensated for the whole 'being a filly' thing.

    But hey. It's the 'training' ground for a reason, amirite?

  11. @Delta: Just smile, nod, and pretend it was a deliberate result of the Poison Joke. That's the best way to do things.

    So, what I (79 woo) learned this week is that one should not attempt drawing Spike for the first time when there are less than two hours left before the deadline. It's less than ideal.
