And what an end it was! It seems you all really got into this besocked pony thing - turning in an impressive 98 entries total! Give yourselves a hoof, everypony!
As always, the number of variations on the theme and level of skill shown by everyone is nothing short of awe-inspiring! I find it amazing that even on a "bonus" theme, we're almost breaking 100 entries!
Though, I do wonder why so many of your ponies were so eager to pull off those socks you'd just given them! Do... do ponies not actually like socks, I wonder? That would be a real shame, if it were true! A nice fuzzy pair of socks is pretty much the best thing - those ponies are missing out!
Anyway, enough of my rambling! On with the art!
1 imnotparanoid68 (Sockception! -Lunar Apologist)
2 imnotparanoid68
3 DarkKnightWolf2011 (I would watch her show - Atlur)
4 Sir-Dangereaux
5 lozfoe444 (By socks this pony is confused, but that leads to us being amused. - Fetchbeer)
6 DarkKnightWolf2011
7 Moabite
8 ColinMLP (There's nothing weird about the comforting warmth of socks. -Phoe)
9 aoshistark
10 RydelFox (Wing socks! - Atlur)
11 danis2005 (Why do these socks cause embarrassment, they make Twilight look more intelligent. - Fetchbeer)
12 fribox
13 hayhedgehoghay (I like your style - Atlur)
14 FilipinoNinja95 (Great parody choice - Atlur)
15 maxnero22 (If of socks Dash so disapproves, how did they end up on her hooves? - Fetchbeer)
16 hgraves
17 peperoger (Sleepy socks. So cute! - Atlur)
18 peperoger
19 DiZaster321
20 KuroiTsubasaTenshi
21 DarkKnightWolf2011
22 Manden (Those are some fancy stockings! I suppose a Princess gets the very best! -Lunar Apologist)
23 larrle (These fillies slide across the floor, wearing socks that I adore. - Fetchbeer)
24 sawsta (Such a tiny pony in a big sock! Eeeeee! - Atlur)
25 DarkKnightWolf2011
26 Goggle Sparks (Proving that Derpy is still best mom. -Lunar Apologist)
27 EricaC78
28 hip-indeed
29 Tsutanai-Neko (Pinkie Pie is throwing laundry, while Rainbow Dash is in a quandary. - Fetchbeer)
30 WillDrawForFood1
31 AQNichols
32 KellieK94 (The socks made music lessons difficult, but little Octavia's teachers could never bring themselves to tell her to take them off. -Phoe)
33 Invidlord
34 DespisedAndBeloved
35 SamuelEAllen (Poor Derpy by homophones is confused, Rarities language can be excused. - Fetchbeer)
36 tg737
37 JunaECBS
38 DarkKnightWolf2011
39 peperoger (I was hoping she'd work a fifth one on there somewhere. -Phoe)
40 KuroiTsubasaTenshi
41 DarkKnightWolf2011
42 PineappleSam (Sock monster! Ahh! - Atlur)
43 grilledcat (How did this pony get her head in there, surely nopony else has such trouble with footwear. - Fetchbeer)
44 WindfallPony
45 egophiliac (I think you'll agree we need more of these! -Phoe)
46 egophiliac
47 DI-FL (Entering my personal canon... nnnnow. -Phoe)
Linked for saucy!
48 DarkKnightWolf2011
49 allanah
50 KUROGUAUGUAU (Fluttershy looks amazing comfortable. -Phoe)
51 TerribleTransit (Peekaboo! :D - Atlur)
52 TerribleTransit (Oh the puns! -Lunar Apologist)
53 tenchisamoshi
54 WillDrawForFood1 (You silly pony Applejack, for fashion you have no knack. - Fechbeer)
55 necrodios (This mod must now be made! -Lunar Apologist)
56 Doppelgangsta (Ohmygosh, I want a tiny Twilight for Christmas! :D -Lunar Apologist)
57 Rhanoa
58 GiantMosquito
59 PajiPants
60 Alipes (Fluttershy in her stockings is very stunning, though she seems embarrassed and is blushing. - Fetchbeer)
61 MoonlightScribe
62 MoonlightScribe
63 Moabite (Awesome style and adorable Derpy. Amazing! :D -Lunar Apologist)
64 Easteu (Oh Doctor, you so silly! -Lunar Apologist)
65 AmbroseButtercrust (A dragon needs socks quite giant, and for them on Fluttershy they are reliant. - Fetchbeer)
66 Pegashift (I've always loved socks with little patterns on them, but get too scared to buy them. But someday, Lyra and I shall have matching socks! -Phoe)
67 kirbycolours
68 Summershineftw (Really, really nicely done! -Nullh)
69 Originalham (Yay Colgate! So happy! - Atlur)
70 Amehdaus (Calling chickens is good fun, but from this I think I'll just run. - Fetchbeer)
71 bananizen
72 lunar apologist
73 Balinares (Tiny apples in your socks. Could be worse! -Nullh)
74 demented-Mr-Paulsen
75 Atlur (Somepony told me once that black socks make you classy. Hm... -Phoe)
76 Fetchbeer Watch out for socks! Or snakes! Whichever! -Lunar Apologist)
77 lunar apologist (Little Luna's sock is of epic size, where did this foal find her prize? - Fetchbeer)
78 ThisNameIsNotProfane (Boy, Dash really hates non-rainbow-colored socks, doesn't she? -Lunar Apologist)
79 peperoger
80 hgraves
81 kitsuneymg
82 Tecknojock
83 CrunchNugget (I had a dream like this right after I watched Dune for the first time -Nullh)
84 Prismatic-Pretzel
85 Prismatic-Pretzel
86 Wolferahm (This is sort of terrifying! -Lunar Apologist)
87 Nullh
88 McGack
90 Jeff Martinez (This is so spot-on it's incredible! -Lunar Apologist)
91 Argembarger
92 DarkKnightWolf2011
93 Pastelpony
94 yiKOmega
95 ThisNameIsNotProfane
96 Fatum--Inanis
97 Hikarixxkh
98 Adiwan
I lol'd so bad at 94.
ReplyDeleteOh Celestia, it's full of of socks!
ReplyDeleteAwww so many ponies with socks! >//<
ReplyDelete#34 here...I know terrible humor XD
I felt bad for not commenting on the last one. Just was busy >.< Sadly I don't see many comments on here like there used to be :c
Good job everypony! Many great artist here. Keep up the great work! Stay strong Bronies! ^-^
51 and 52 and was I really the only person who drew something that wasn't actually socks?
ReplyDeleteAh well, good show, everyone. This theme produced terminal amounts of Dawww.