EDIT: Scratch that! We somehow missed a number of entries, bringing the grand total up to 98 entries featuring many adorable pony pets! A good number of the entries were quite punny, as well - I approve. And, as always, you all have amazed me with your developing skills and incredible artwork - each and every week, you set the bar higher for what can be achieved!
Give yourselves a hoof, everypony - you deserve it :)
Now, I've been feeling for a while that the blog posts here were lacking... a certain something. A substantive and personal quality that I remember the incomparable Phoe's posts having during the NATG. And while I am certainly no Phoe, I'd like to give it a try! (Feel free to skip my ramblings and go on to the art - I'm not offended in the slightest!)
Thinking of pets makes me think about the process of domestication - which, in turn, makes me think how weird it is that we've managed to domesticate cats at all.
I mean dogs, it totally makes sense! They're omnivorous pack animals that respect and follow authority, and are prone to scavenging around human settlements. It was really just a matter of time until some early human fed a wolf, showed that they were the alpha creature, and had them tagging along at their heels as the first proto-dog. The rest is history.
Cats, on the other hoof? Cats - especially wild cats, mind; which is where the stock for domesticated cats would have come from - are generally skittish and solitary creatures. They don't care for commands, packs, or pecking orders. And the domestication seems to have not done much more than reduce their size - most cats will go feral in days if released and not attended to. Plus, cats are generally better-armed; providing yet another barrier to taming the creature. So, short of using The Stare, how did we ever get cats as we know them today?
I tell you what, though - I'm glad we did. My cat is awesome, and I'm lucky to have him :)
Well, enough of my prattling! What pony pets did you all choose to draw? Let's take a look and find out!
(Also, special thanks to Fetchbeer for making the blog header this week!)
EDIT: Please let me know if we're still missing your entry, and I will get it up post-haste!
1 Saffielia (Such a cute little doe! I want one! - Atlur)
2 Hikarixxkh
3 Errick (A marmot is a very unique pet. I like it! - Atlur)
4 RydelFox (This pet is almost cool enough for Dash - kits)
5 Splashlerz
6 ArcticIceBreaker (Portal and Pony, perhaps a perfect pairing? -kits)
7 Icy-Bolt (Squirrels are one of my favorite animals :) - Atlur)
8 FeralBloodDragon
9 paulinaghost
10 FilipinoNinja95 (they have the same eyes =D -kits)
11 Samuel E Allen
12 bibliodragon
13 candysnow-09 (best sonic fan-thing ever - kits)
14 Daniel120
15 ArtisanAP (I bet Celestia cheats by just having her Solrock use Sunny Day to raise the sun - Atlur)
16 Invidlord
17 larrle
18 ColinMLP
19 Weasgotu89
20 KuroiTsubasaTenshi
21 Goggle Sparks (I think a raven suits this mate quite well, though her secrets it might to others tell. - Fetchbeer)
22 hayhedgehoghay
23 Nowler
24 fribox (the art equivalent of a crack ship? me gusta -kits)
25 Alipes
26 ArtisanAP
27 DarkKnightWolf2011
28 Nun2artzy
29 Oldchap226 (Tuxedo Gummy is best Gummy - Atlur)
30 imnotparanoid68
31 ReakkorShrike
32 PineappleSam (Pegaprawn? Prawnasus? Silly either way - Atlur)
33 maxpwny
34 LifeSequenceBreak
35 Manden
36 WillDrawForFood1
37 PineappleSam
38 yiKOmega (She found her pet down by the lake, too bad she couldn't see it was a fake. - Fetchbeer)
39 KuroiTsubasaTenshi (This is pretty much awesome on every level! -Lunar Apologist)
40 DarkKnightWolf2011
41 BlackRose629
42 demented-Mr-Paulsen
43 kitsuneymg
44 Argembarger
45 Atlur (Way to bring back the ponies and spiders meme -anon)
46 Doppelgangsta
47 Hacchicat
48 MoonlightScribe
49 MoonlightScribe (Poor bunnies by Carrot Top are confused, and when they chew on her she is not amused. - Fetchbeer)
50 MoonlightScribe
51 hip-indeed
52 DI-FL
53 UltraFamicom (Will Rarity ever live down this thing with rocks, or will she be forever receiving them in a box. - Fetchbeer)
54 grilledcat (Twilight's love for that machine seems a bit excessive, in fact I think it borders on the obsessive. - Fetchbeer)
56 Nullh (HOLY SHI- DAT SIGNATURE! so jelly -kits)
57 Facelessguru
58 Easteu
59 fongsaunder (To find their masters these pets band together, but first they must have a grand adventure. - Fetchbeer)
60 JunaECBS
61 FoxOFWar
62 PajiPants
63 AmbroseButtercrust (I see: Both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle have chickens for pets =P - kits)
64 Sir-Dangereaux
65 CrunchNugget
66 LunarApologist (Luna loves her tiny anteater, so cute together they might cause a seizure. - Fetchbeer)
67 necrodios
Linked since it's behind a mature tag!
68 RaspleZS (Those socks looked to tasty to resist, though to remove the rabbit Fluttershy must assist. - Fetchbeer)
69 JunaECBS
70 allanah (These two meeting was due to fate, for neither of them can see straight. - Fetchbeer)
71 Tecknojock
72 Amehdaus
73 rumikoholic
74 Fetchbeer
75 ThisNameIsNotProfane (On the Doctor we do depend, for the weeping bunnies seek our end. - Fetchbeer)
76 Prismatic-Pretzel
77 Wolferahm (I had a friend whose hedgehog made a sound like a mini-lawnmower when it was agitated or excited. It was actually pretty adorable! -Lunar Apologist)
78 Delta-Pangaea
79 Chromadancer
80 larrle
81 Terrible Transit
82 LeafGrowth
83 DespisedAndBeloved
84 VirgaRainboom (Fighting clouds are really dangerous... -LSB)
85 Jeff Martinez
86 vazgut
87 TheRecliner27
88 Fox-E (Probably not. -LSB)
89 Rhanoa (And we're all here to hail to our beloved moon princess! -LSB)
90 naytree
91 Fatum--Inanis
92 AQNichols (Sorry this got missed the first time around! -Lunar Apologist)
93 Philith
94 bluefiresword
95 bananizen
96 LittleMonster125
97 Sapo100
98 PastelPony
Late entry!
ReplyDeleteYou simply cannot deny the cuteness of Flutteryasha!
4 here
ReplyDelete14 - YES, there needs to be more art of Luna+Abacus
27 - I never noticed that Goombas looked like Muffins before
29 - What Atlur said
35 - Shoo be doo shoop shoo be doo
38 - Perfect pet for Derpy
54 - I laughed, then I saw the type of computer and laughed again
56 - Jelly
84 - Love the spiked collar
So many pets.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what our next theme will be...
#55 here!
ReplyDeletewow, awesome!!
36, 38, 54, 58, 59, 73, 75 and 91 are the best!!
Umm... Mines not here...
ReplyDelete@PastelPony - Should be fixed now!
ReplyDeleteThere was so much derpin' on this one. Sorry! :(
Oh dont worry, ahm just glad ta be a part of this
ReplyDeleteGreat job everypony! Gotta love the pets. I learn something today. I learn I should work at least a day earlier on a theme. Since today I worked all day on that comic.
ReplyDeleteWell great job everypony! Really loving the art here. Stay Strong Bronies!
It's only behind a mature tag because it has Rarity wearing a ball gag. I'm paranoid about stuff like that.
ReplyDeleteBut enough about me! There are 97 other awesome entries!
I'm not sure which there was more of:
"D'aww", "lol", or "Holy crap,that's awesome!"
I enjoyed this theme.
Great work everypony - again! :D
ReplyDeleteVery much enjoyed them cute pets(even if I just drew a pissed off, off-model Opalescence, hehe).
Absolutely LOVE 84.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks @NME-NRG! I tried my best. ^_^
Seriously, this keeps getting awesomer week after week. Great work, all. :)
ReplyDeleteFluttershy and Inuyasha? That's an interesting pairing. What was the inspiration, pray tell? (Ponies and Dog demons are awesome anyway!)
ReplyDelete@reynard61. Well I didn't draw it as a "pairing," but I guess you could interpret it that way. As for the inspiration, Fluttershy has a tendency to befriend animals, and Inuyasha is a dog (demon). Also, the contrast between Inuyasha's heroic hotbloodedness and Fluttershy's gentle innocence is adorable to imagine.