And thanks so much for participating, everypony! It means a lot to me to see this group keep going the way it has :)
1. ChiaroA
Looking a bit worried there, Rarity... (I don't blame you!)
2. Geoberos
What, for me? Aww, thanks, Twi! :3
3. Wicked-Brew
...I already said I'd take it, Twilight. You don't need to do the checklist.
4. Wicked-Brew
You... might want to think about pacing yourself there, Pinkie. Your pancreas will thank you.
5. KuroiTsubasaTenshi
Adorable! :)
6. TheHazelnutMutt
This is really cute!
7. neodorkas
I don't think that's going to make it better! D:
8. Hip-Indeed
Shush and take your hug, Pinkamena! :)
9. giantsquidie
10. Invidlord
A fun take on a classic scene! I like it :)
11. scurilevensteinother
Aww, don't be sad, I'll be your Heart's Hooves! Or... whatever it's called!
12. Kupomoty
<3, Big Mac
13. Invidlord
14. GoggleSparks
Yes. Yes I will. Now c'mere, I'mma huggle you!
15. Wicked-Brew
Aw, way to make it up to Rarity after that first picture, Spike!
16. Philith
Oh gosh, it moves. IT MOVES, GUYS. /dies of a heart attack from cuteness
17. RookieOwl
D'aww, that's really sweet :)
18. Theunluckycat
And the same to you! <3
19. Ambrose Buttercrust
:O This is gorgeous!
20. Trixingno
Don't get down! You'll each find somepony/body!
22 SamuelEAllen
It's okay! Have hugs instead! *hugs*
23 HornedSheep
Eep! D:
24 Jezendar
So much d'aww :)
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