While I can't definitively answer most of the above, I can give a pretty solid "yes" to the last question. :P
So, rather than reading any more of that, why don't we get on with it and look at all the wonderful ponies you all have drawn for us this week?
01. ZakSaturday2468
February's coming up so how about goddess of love and beauty Venus?
Behold the beauty that is this mare, all who see her it does ensnare. -fetchbeer
02. DreamSnake
03. dorkas
This pony embodies the arts of war, nopony else has seen such horror. - fetchbeer
04. DAbestpony
Cupid, the Roman God of Love.
05. Cobralash
Rarity always enjoys her nightly swims, especially now that she has fins. - fetchbeer
06. Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
07. M3ales
At last this little filly gets to fly, with her big sister up in the sky! - fetchbeer
08. hip-indeed
09. BrokenHero0409
From the sky the come to earth, to take those who have shown their worth. - fetchbeer
10. The Laughing Horror
11. The Laughing Horror
Ares vs. a Titan
Such creatures ruled for far too long, until along came deities who were quite strong. - fetchbeer
12. demented-Mr-Paulsen
13. aj_joe
Um....Would you mind looking into my eyes so I can turn you into stone? I mean....if you are okay with that.
I really like her snakey hair, but to brushie it I wouldn't dare. - fetchbeer
14. lauani
Have some shiny mythology
15. SamuelEAllen
Mermaids (of all kinds) are considered mythological figures, right?
A fish head with a pony rear, from this pond I'll steer clear... - fetchbeer
16. GoggleSparks
Could this be a legendary sea dragon pony!?
17. ScuriLevenstein
This creature lurks within a cave, is there a maiden I need to save? - fetchbeer
18. dorkas
19. Philith
And this fair maiden is chained to stones, but will someone save her before she's naught but bones? - fetchbeer
20. Invidlord
A Changeling Changeling.
21. AkiroAlpha
Feedback and critique requested and appreciated
All these wings on this serene form, where she is from is this the norm? - fetchbeer
22. phallen1
Do not pursue Lu Bu. Trust me on this.
23. Mortris
So many legs on this little foal, so many hooves to control! - fetchbeer
24. dddlicious
25. thedeseasedcow
Forging lightning to make displays, lets hope that in the sky it stays! - fetchbeer
26. CaptainBoat
27. Greeny-Nyte
A pony centaur is rather strange, hooved arms are indeed a change! - fetchbeer!
28. A Brony Account
29. ZeldaTheSwordsman
30. TheBigApple
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