Feels bad, pony.
Anyway, thanks for participating in this sort of jokey bookend of a theme! I hope you had fun drawing for it, even if it could be a little... sad, at times. But, enough of me blathering. Why don't we get on with the ponies and see what I'm talking about, eh?
01. Scyphi
Prepare for descent...
Explosions abound near this pony's ship, now lets see her do a flip! - fetchbeer
02. Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
03. Cobralash
Why does Fluttershy have to be so bad at flight? She's always giving us such a fright! - fetchbeer
04. Norque
05. dorkas
It looks like this pony falls for fun, but I wonder how this all begun! - fetchbeer
06. Glaive-Silver
07. TheBigApple
No other pony would so willingly leap, or maybe this is just a dream while she's asleep. - fetchbeer
08. DAbestpony
Keesha's failed attempt to escape the pickle jar the extraordin-airy way.
09. Random Dash
Pinkie Pie is always rowdy, especially on days overcast and cloudy! - fetchbeer
10. GoggleSparks
11. ScuriLevenstein
Some creatures are just can't resist a taunt, but it is a talent you shouldn't flaunt! - fetchbeer
12. hip-indeed
13. Legeden
Not finished just yet
Who can resist a spiral stair, for some no other mystery can compare! - fetchbeer
14. Invidlord
15. SpiritofthwWolf
A plummet through many miles of air, is this danger or dramatic flair? - fetchbeer
16. chriscstick
17. CaptainBoat
Madness is Twilight's middle name, at least while she is surrounded by burning flame. - fetchbeer
18. lordzid
19. TheHazelnutMutt
Instead of dangling by a single rope, I much rather be off the slope! - fetchbeer
20. fiendaffliction
21. GvimBlade
I thought with wings she'd get down quite quick, but maybe flying still makes her sick. - fetchbeer
22. phallen1
This is what happens when your pegasus friend gets tired after flying you around all day.
23. Philith
Trust Applejack to be the one who starts the war, at least the near future won't be a bore. - fetchbeer
24. BrokenHero0409
#4 of my Pink Floyd and Ponies series
25. Delta Pangaea
I don't know how you can climb rocks with hooves, I'll let others make the crazy moves. - fetchbeer
26. ZeldaTheSwordsman
27. A Brony Account
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