There's some neat ponies below. You should look at them, and maybe give some good feedback on them if you want to.
01. Fetchbeer
In a con gone crazy, One zebra tries desperately to break even. Will he succeed? Or are his efforts doomed to failure?
02. hip-indeed
Has rarity sewn to much, That with reality she has lost touch? - fetchbeer
03. GoggleSparks
Dinky, what made you want to make an alicorn muffin?
04. dorkas
If a friend of yours is cursed to be a foal, in the minefield don't let them stroll. - fetchbeer
05. Hazzdawg
06. Maddog10_20
Laplace attempts to take a Multi-Variable Calculus test, despite the Trolling of the proctor.
Our inner doubts try their best to distract, but from your studies don't let them distract. - fetchbeer
07. GvimBlade
08. Random Dash
- Hi, Twilight! Are you studying for a test? What's the subject? Can I help? Can I watch? Want to see how many grapes I can fit in my mouth?
When your friends get in your mane, just try not to bring them pain. - fetchbeer
09. DAbestpony
Power Stroke's exams are nearing!
10. ScuriLevenstein
What is in this special brew that allows Pinkie to lift others with her do? - fetchbeer
11. phallen1
Colt, do you even lift?
12. klystron2010
Twilight needs to not get in such a rush, cause missing sleep turns her mind to mush. - fetchbeer
13. Philith
14. Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
15. Invidlord
16. A Brony Account
17. ZeldaTheSwordsman
18. Delta Pangaea
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