Sunday, 21 October 2018

Week 382 Wrap Up

This has truly been a challenging week. It's as if the gates of Tartarus itself opened up and let loose all of its contained evils all at once. Immense monsters and cataclysmic challenges were all over the place. But we've overcome these difficulties and restored Equestria to its usual glory!

But now, the time has come once again. The time to open this week's Gallery and see what has been created during all of this turmoil. But I open things up with a heavy heart this week, as it will be the last week that a new exhibit will go on display here. This group has been running weekly themes for more than seven years now, with me being an admin here for at least four. It has been a long, emotional, and sometimes arduous journey, but I am glad to have taken it with all of you. So adieu to you all, and always keep the good times in your hearts!

Gallery for Week 382

01. Jezendar

02. Lux-The-Pegasus

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Week 381 Wrap Up

As they say, "You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family's nose." Wait, I think I'm conflating two sayings again. There's far too many sayings out there, and it's sometimes hard to keep them all straight. Perhaps it's time to reunite with my old mentor and refresh my memory on some of these.

But when I say, "it's time", I don't mean this specific, 'right now' time. We've got a Gallery to reunite with first, after all. And yes, 'reunite' is an odd word choice given that it's only been a week since the last time, but Reunions are the theme of this week's display, so the word choice still fits.

And the time has come to officially open up for this evening, so it's likewise time for me to stop rambling. So step right in and enjoy!

Gallery for Week 381

01. ekas86

Meeting again old friends, a weary heart soon mends. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Week 380 Wrap Up

There are many lands outside of Equestria. Exotic lands of mystery, danger, and treasure. Or at least, that's what the Daring Do books say. But I rather doubt that the lands beyond our borders are actually like their depictions in this series. After all, it's not like these are autobiographies or something.

But I do know that these lands truly are exotic; realms of cultures very different from those of Equestria, and often inhabited by beings rarely seen here. Just goes to show that, though Equestria on its own is a country of multiple species and viewpoints, it still pales in comparison to the wondrous variety of the world as a whole.

Gallery for Week 380

01. AaronMK

A good book is worth relaxing for, just laying back and letting your mind explore. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 30 September 2018

Week 379 Wrap Up

Is this thing on? Testing... Testing... One, two, three... wait, wasn't that an episode title? I think it was, but I'm not certain. I do hope I never get tested on episode titles, as I would do very poorly on such a test. But thankfully, that is not the type of test that has been the focus of this week. This week's focus is more along the lines of the tests that life throws your way. Because life loves to throw tests around. And curveballs; life loves to throw curveballs. Maybe life was a baseball player in a past life, or something...

But I digress. It is time to open the Gallery for this evening. Hopefully everything is where it should be; I really don't want another 'test' from that prankster we had to deal with last week.

Gallery for Week 379

01. LeavingCrow

When you really need a pretty cake, you really should wait for it to bake! - fetchbeer

02. AaronMK

Some utensils are just a tad silly, and just don't work for eating chili. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Week 378 Wrap Up

Phew, finally done. Somebody got into the building last night and rearranged all the pictures. Not just the ones here in the Gallery's Main Exhibit Hall, but throughout the entire building! We had Hearth's Warming pictures in the Competitions wing, and Royal Pony pics alongside Villainous Pony pics, and I'm glad Prince Blueblood didn't see that; he would've thrown a fit over the implied connection between royalty and villainy. On top of that, all the pictures for the recurring Nightmare Night themes had been moved into the same place. And believe me, trying to return each picture to the appropriate yearly display was a pain. Though it could have been worse; at least we have records of all of this info, and thus weren't trying to do this from memory alone.

But thankfully, everything is now back in its proper wing. At least, I'm pretty sure everything is; we'll be going over everything over the course of the next week just to make sure. The only real question remaining is "Who pulled this prank?" And well, we've already got a fair idea on who the culprit is. You see, the prankster left a few feathers and bits of hair behind. Sky blue feathers, and hair that comes in six different colors...

Gallery for Week 378

01. Jezendar

No matter how you comb your mane, making friends is just the same. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Week 377 Wrap Up

This week has been a week of danger. Of dangerous quests and villainous intrigue. Fortunately, Danger is my middle name. Well actually, it's Tiberius, but you get the point.

But I digress. This is not the time for debating names. It is the time for adventurous teens, brilliant scientists, and deadly bodyguards. All we need is a butterfly-themed nemesis and we're all set for some truly risky ventures! So let's get dangerous! Actually, scratch that; I think I've used that reference in a Blogger already. So instead, let's see what sort of dangers the ponies of Equestria have faced this week. For that vibrant and colorful land hides a surprisingly large variety of deadly horrors.

Gallery for Week 377

01. ekas86

You can tell this note only tells the truth, for a lying note would be uncouth. - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Week 376 Wrap Up

Movin' right along in search of good times and good news,
With good friends, you can't lose, this could become a habit.
Opportunity knocks once, let's reach out and grab it,
Together we'll nab it. We'll hitch-hike, bus, or yellow cab it.

Wait, 'cabbit'? That sounds like a cat-rabbit hybrid or something. Seeing such a thing would make for a memorable road trip, but it's not very likely to happen. Jackalopes? Could happen. Chupacabras? Maybe. Vampiric jackalopes fighting chupacabras? I hear they're natural enemies, so it could happen. But cabbits? Not very likely.

Well, unless your on a road trip to a Neighponese Animation Convention or something. I hear that cat-rabbit hybrids are actually a thing in some of the cartoons from that country. But wherever you might be headed, I hope the journey goes well.

Gallery for Week 376

01. AnimatorWil

A heavy load is lighter with friends, no matter which way the path bends. - fetchbeer

02. GreenflyArt

Any danger, no matter how large, feels safe with someone in charge. - fetchbeer

03. LeavingCrow

04. Jezendar

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Week 375 Wrap Up

We're onna highway to Tar...terus... Bleh, I just can't seem to make that work. And would anypony even know what a 'highway' is?

Anyway, this week has been all about making beautiful music! Which, admittedly, is not much different from most weeks around here; Ponyville's residents will break into song at the drop of a hat. And I do mean that literally: When Rarity dropped her new fashion-forward chapeau in the mud three days ago, the entire town got drawn into the resulting mournful dirge, followed by a joyful chorus as Rarity succeeded in repairing the damage to her hat. By the time it was over, everypony had been singing for three hours! Over a dropped hat!

But at least Pinkie left her yovidaphone at home that day, so it could have been a lot worse than it was. But I still feel sorry for the night workers who were trying to sleep that afternoon.

Speaking of night workers, the time has come to open the Gallery this night. And while this week's exhibit is music-themed, it will hopefully not be as raucous as that previous event. If nothing else, at least it will be inside; the walls will help contain the sound.

Gallery for Week 375

01. AnimatorWil

Raised high above the cheering crowd, no other pony is quite as proud! - fetchbeer

02. AaronMk

Hooves are a bit limited in speed, especially if you feel the need. - fetchbeer

03. LeavingCrow

Music comes in many a varied form, though notes from flaming shells is not a norm. - fetchbeer

04. Jezendar

Pleasant notes from nimble fingers, leaving a feeling in the soul that lingers. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 26 August 2018

Week 374 Wrap Up

So I've got the strange old painting here. I would go with the "It belongs in a museum" joke, but "It belongs in a Gallery" makes more sense at the moment. As for what 'it' is... umm... Seriously, what is this thing? It's a painting, of course, but of what? Some strange pony-dog... thing that seems to be eating... umm, actually let's not dwell on that part too much. I got this from a totally-not-at-all-shady back alley dealer; said the artist was named Pick Mane or something...

But yeah, studying this strange painting is totally a good idea. After all, this is what archaeology is all about! Researching the artefacts of the past to learn about the cultures of the time. And it is not limited to artefacts from a thousand years ago, but also to items from the more recent past, such as this roughly eighty year old painting. So let's go ahead and hang this certainly-not-disturbing oddity in the Gallery, then see what else has been uncovered this week.

Gallery for Week 374

01. Jezendar

Sunday, 19 August 2018

Week 373 Wrap Up

The sun was shining brightly, shining with all it's might. And trying hard to fill the world with more than a bit of light. And this was odd because it was the middle of the night! 'Dark and stormy' it wasn't.

And that, my dear ponies, was the mystery at hand! Why was the sun still up at midnight? Did something happen to Princess Celestia? Was she sick? Did she lose her powers? Replaced by an imposter? Pranked by her sister? Ate too much cake? Well... probably not that last one; I think her supposed cake overindulgences are something the tabloids made up.

Nonetheless, an investigation is needed. But I'll need to do it quietly; the Agents of S.M.I.L.E. are ever watchful, and do not like outsiders poking around the palace. This will need to be done in disguise; an undercover operation will let me get to the bottom of this. Wish me luck; I'm gonna need it!

Gallery for Week 373

01. Jezendar

When trying to add a bit of spice, rethink your disguise once or twice. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Week 372 Wrap Up

Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again! Or at least, that's what my announcement card says; personally, I thought it was still four months off. I know they say that the holidays come earlier each year, but I don't think this is what they mean.

Well, regardless of the odd timing, Hearth's Warming is indeed here again, for the week at least. And with it comes all the usual stories and fairy tales of the holiday, and probably some unusual ones too. And believe me, you don't know 'unusual' until you've heard the labyrinthian tales of how Minotaurs celebrate the holiday. But those tales will need to be told later, for the time to open the Gallery has come!

Gallery for Week 372

01. Jezendar

Sunday, 5 August 2018

Week 371 Wrap Up

Are you ready to Rock!? No? Well, alright then... Let's Rock Anyways!!

*promptly does epically horrific guitar solo, ending abruptly when the strings break*

Err, oops. Maybe I should leave this to the professionals. But at least I didn't break anything else. But at any rate, the time has come to open up the Gallery for this evening. So rock on, all you crazy ponies!

Gallery for Week 371

01. AnimatorWil

One might say that stones don't drink, but I'm sure I saw one wink! - fetchbeer

Sunday, 29 July 2018

Week 370 Wrap Up

I considered starting this blog post with a parody of Old MacDonald featuring Fluttershy, but I figured she would not appreciate being called 'old'. And while she may not do anything herself, any of her animal friends who overhear me are not likely to react kindly. Especially Harry. That bear is not a gentle giant when he's angry.

At any rate, animal companions are an important part of many ponies' lives. And that is what we have been celebrating this week. So let's head into the Gallery and see what has been created. You can even bring your pets with you this time, if you wish. Just make sure you're ready to clean up after them.

Gallery for Week 370

01. Jezendar

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Week 369 Wrap Up

Every good story needs conflict. A struggle against a great rival, a profound force such as nature or the paranormal, or within the protagonist's own psyche. Indeed, arguably the best evidence for a bad Mary Sue character is the lack of any real conflict in their story; everything just conveniently goes their way.

Conflict is not as important in art as it is in writing, as a scene with no conflict, or even with no characters at all, can still result in an amazing picture. But that doesn't mean that a picture can't showcase conflict, and that is indeed what the pictures in this week's Gallery are focused on.

Gallery for Week 369

01. AnimatorWil

Always getting in someones face, rather shows a lack of grace. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Week 368 Wrap Up

Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be fr...

Because I'm singing an annoyingly repetitive song? Okay, fair enough. Truth be told, I agree with you on that. So let's just pretend that didn't happen, okay?

Fortunately, we don't need to pretend that the Gallery is ready for the night. The artists have been working their imaginations all week, pondering the meaning of pretending, contemplating the virtues of imaginary companions... though perhaps with less pretentiousness. But we no longer need to imagine what the results might be, for the Gallery is now open for the night!

Gallery for Week 368

01. RemnantViscera
My imaginary friends are interesting.

One wonders how he drinks his tea, though most would probably turn and flee. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Week 367 Wrap Up

Geez, I've been walking along this beach for half an hour now, and still no sugar cane in sight. I haven't even seen any giant squid yet, and those things are usually everywhere. And are those unicorns in the distance? There aren't any unicorns in...

Wait a minute. This isn't my Minecraft world, is it. Well that certainly explains a lot. Must have passed through a magic portal or something without realizing it. Bleh. Well, I better start heading back the way I came. The Gallery still needs to be set up for the new weekly exhibit. Perhaps the artists have had better luck with beaches this week than I have.

Well, things could be worse, I must admit. I could have ended up in Banoi.

01. AnimatorWil

Blowing bubble in the afternoon, though it works better without a spoon. - fetchbeer

02. Tun Rae

How few strokes does it take to know your subject, and it's inner soul project. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 1 July 2018

Week 366 Wrap Up

Into everyone's life, a little rain must fall. It's quite the cliché, I know, but it's still true. But is it really a bad thing? Rain is important to farmers, as the water brought by storms keeps their crops alive and growing. And the gentle patter of rain outside can be quite soothing, especially in the evening when one is settling down for sleep. And as they say, "April showers bring May flowers." And yes, I know it's another terrible cliché (and that it's July), but my point still stands.

But enough of that. The time has come to open up this week's Gallery exhibit. This week's theme has, of course, been rain. So let us see how relaxing the weather may or may not have been for our art subjects this week.

Gallery for Week 366

01. AnimatorWil

Does the land not know how to stay attached? Or is it's energy just unmatched? - fetchbeer

02. Tun Rae

If you have friends who can control the weather, you might want to keep them on a tether. - fetchbeer

03. RemnantViscera
This one actually has effort in it, even if it looks like trash

Some days you just need to stare into the rain, as anything else would be too much of a drain. - fetchbeer

04. GreenflyArt

Strutting on a sunny beach, just beyond the waters reach. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Week 365 Wrap Up

Ponyville. My Ponyville. A city... err, town... of a thousand criminals.

... Yes, dear sidekick, I know the town's official census lists only a few hundred citizens. You don't actually think the badguys take the census, do you?

Now, where was I? Oh right, "a thousand criminals". But this ci-err, town has a guardian. A shadowy guardian who stalks evil like a phantom in the darkness. And that guardian is me. For when Destiny's mighty hand makes the bed of your... uhh, destiny, it is your obligation to lie in it! And you don't fight Destiny. And you don't eat oatmeal in the bed of your future, for that is just crazy! And... I don't know where I'm going with this metaphor.

But it will end with me pounding two-hooved justice into the hearts of evildoers everywhere! For I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the oat that wedges between your teeth! I am... completely out of time, actually. See you all next week!

Gallery for Week 365

01. RemnantViscera

You know a villain isn't bluffing, when the hero yells "The googles! They do nothing!" - fetchbeer

02. Tun Rae

You always need a cloak to sweep, so you're exits make the viewers weep! - fethbeer

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Week 364 Wrap Up

The time has come, at last. Tonight is the night that we will put our plans into motion, overthrow 'Queen' Chrysalis, and then try to take over the world! So Pinkie, are you pondering what I'm pondering?

... No, Pinkie. Having the ability to talk to fish would not be helpful in this situation. It's the Elements of Harmony that we need. Their power will enable us to depose the royalty, Chrysalis and the Equestrian Sisters alike, and install ourselves as the realm's Overlords! And all we have to do is find the Tree of Harmony. This plan is foolproof! So, are you pondering what I'm pondering?

... No, Pinkie. The Tree of Harmony is not going to realize we're fakes and dissolve us. Seriously, where do you even get these ideas? Now come along, everypony. We've still got some planning to do, if we're going to pull this off flawlessly.

Gallery for Week 364

01. Rav Aharon ben Yisrael

It's not hard to see within, when confronted with a giant grin. - fetchbeer

02. AnimatorWil
Fluttershy says: I'm going for stroll, ta-ta.

Wandering about in the dead of night, it's bound to end with quite a fright. - fetchbeer

03. patrykoe

The full regalia of a lunar guard, something you'd expect on a postcard. - fetchbeer

04. TunRae

It's hard to smile without cheeks, though you probably have techniques. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Week 363 Wrap Up

This week's theme is all about one of the great royal houses of Canterlot history: The Tudors. The name 'Tudor' is an odd one, and one of unknown origin. Some believe it is based on an ancient Coltic name meaning 'ruler of the people', but full evidence of this is yet to be found. The Tudor Family came to power in the region of Bittain early in Princess Celestia's rule. Known for their conflicts with Prance, and even moreso their internal political intrigue, The Tudor family... wait, the theme is 'Tutor'? Err, oops.

Well, at least I kindof demonstrated the theme, even if I was mistaken about what it actually was.

Gallery for Week 363

01. Rav Aharon ben Yisrael

Everyone has one of those days, even the best intentions can cause malaise! - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

From the shadows knowledge flows, and power one can oppose! - fetchbeer

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Week 362 Wrap Up

The times, they are a-changin'! ...No, not 'changeling', 'changing'. Though changelings certainly do fit the theme this week. Everything changes over time. Sometimes that change is planned, and sometimes not. Sometimes change is cyclical, like the seasons of the year, but usually it is linear, such as a tadpole growing into a frog. But change always comes in some form or another, and one must be ready to handle it. So let's see how the resident artists have interpreted, and handled, the theme of Change this week:

Gallery for Week 362

01. AnimatorWil

You always are who you are, even with your magic bizarre. - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

A bolt of lightning splits the sky, and a new creature comes to terrify. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Week 361 Wrap Up

Love hurts... Love scars...
Love wounds... and marks...
Any heart not tough or strong enough,
To take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain,
Love is like a cloud, it holds a lot of rain,
Love hurts... Ooh love hurts.

"Love is a many splendored thing," as they say... whoever exactly 'they' are; I think it was a band or something. But they are nonetheless correct, I'd say. Love is not always easy, but it is easily worth the effort.

Gallery for Week 361

01. AaronMK

Every party has a center of attention, though hopefully they relieve the tension. - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

A new life is soon to come, already you can feel it's thrum. - fetchbeer

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Week 360 Wrap Up

Today's Blogger entry has been brought to you by the letter 'C'. 'C' is for 'cooperation' and 'competition'... and 'cookie', but that's a different thing. Cooperation and competition are two sides of the same coin. Each requires at least a couple of participants. One simply cannot cooperate with themself, after all. And while one technically can compete with themself, competing with others tends to be much more compelling. It's the plurality of contributors that makes both cooperation and competition so constructive. Ponies aiding or pushing each other, as appropriate, to greater levels of competency through these sorts of group efforts, resulting in much more capable ponies overall.

And I seem to be running out of 'C' words in my thesaurus, and thus I should bring this contrivance to an... okay, I know there's a 'C' word that means 'end'. What is it again? ... oh, right. 'Conclusion'. So yes, time to bring this contrivance to a conclusion.

Gallery for Week 360

01. Jezendar

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Week 359 Wrap Up

Yes, yeees. Everything is going according to plan. I've been an admin for more than four years now, and have long since taken the reigns of the Blogger. With each step I take, I garner a bit more trust from the other admins, and gain a bit more authority within the group. Soon, so very soon, my plan will come to fruition and I will take over as head admin. With the group's full resources behind me, I can begin the process of taking over other dA groups, then the site itself, then more internet sites. Before I'm done, the entire internet will be mine, all mine! MUHAHAHAHA!

Wait, did I say that out loud? Again?

Ahem. At any rate, enough of that blast from the past. This week has been about authenticity and, well, blasts from the past. So get your authentic classic brooches, vintage pie tins, and antique chickens, and come join us at the Gallery for a celebration of all things authentic, old or otherwise! And don't worry about villainous plots. I'm totally not up to anything, and that is totally the authentic truth! Totally...

Gallery for Week 359

01. AnimatorWil

What prodigal student doesn't have a secret life? Especially one that requires a sharp knife. - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar
Pinkie clone? (Not yet complete, but it will do for now.)

Ever make a secret clone? Even just to make your friends all groan? - fetchbeer

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Week 358 Wrap Up

Hey, everypony! How about a nice game of Charades?


Yeah, you're right. Charades does not adapt well at all to this particular format. Charades, as a form of acting, is mainly a visual format. And while one could write down a description of what the actor is doing, the act would basically lose a lot in translation.

Of course, the same could be said about pictures. There's a fair bit of truth to the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words", as it would take a great many words to accurately describe a single picture. So it's a very good thing that we can just post the pictures themselves here, so we don't have to try and describe each of them. Come to think of it, we could play a game of Charades if I draw out each action and post them here. But sadly, time's running far too short for such an endeavor. Perhaps another time. Instead, I shall go ahead and properly open up the Gallery for this evening, so we may see what sort of acts the artists have portrayed this week.

Gallery for Week 358

01. AnimatorWil
Rarity whispers: *Shhh* keep my passion alive I do what I must, darlin'. I realize that this is verily out of character for moi. But I find it quite the thrill at times.

What fiend could be behind this crime, what miscreant steals all the time! - fetchbeer

02. Jezendar

A helping hoof onto the stage, you insecurities will assuage! -fetchbeer

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Week 357 Wrap Up

Decisions, decisions, decisions. One must make so many choices over the course of even a single day. Go left or right, get cake or pie, work or play, see a play or a movie, apple juice or orange juice, juice or soda, shaken or stirred... well, I'd recommend not choosing 'shaken' if you chose the soda.

But yes, decisions, decisions, decisions. Sometimes, the choice is easy; sometimes, not so much. Bit it looks like the time has come to open the Gallery this evening, so we've run out of time to debate our choices. Well, assuming you're all going to choose to check out the Gallery, at least. This is, of course, the choice I would go with, but I may be biased.

Gallery for Week 357

01. Jezendar

What kind of pony do you wish to be? Young and smooth or a wrinkled pea? - fetchbeer

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Week 356 Wrap Up

It shall soon be time to open the Gallery, but first I have this announcement that I'm expected to read. Ahem.

"Coming soon to a village near you, it's Ponies Gone Wild! You thought Celestia's cake fantasies were crazy? Well, just wait until you see what we have in store for you now! We've got high-diving grannies, waterlogged hippogriffs, ex-cultist guidance councilors, ponies who love apples way too much, ponies who love strawberries way too much, ponies who love humans way..."
Geez, who wrote this crap!?


Oh. Well... that explains a lot. Ahem.

And the time has come to open the Gallery, so I fear that I won't have time to do my intended opening spiel. But we still have the actual artwork, which is the primary reason you all are here today, so it's not exactly a great loss. So go on in and have fun, everypony! And next week, we should have things back to normal...

In other words, no more adverts written by Discord.

Gallery for Week 356

01. AnimatorWil
Pinkie Pie says: It's time for some extreme fun! Wee-ee!

Falling from the sky can be good sport, especial if falling is your forte. - fetchbeer

02. the-mysterious-ponyX

The one gun you can draw on friends, though drenching may require some amends. - fetchbeer

03. Jezendar

Few friends are as good as kites, always trying to lift you to great heights. - fetchbeer