Sunday 17 April 2016

Week 251 Wrap Up

Okay, everypony's here. Let's get this dance started!

Oh dance with your hooves, just as fast as you can!
Now flip it like a flapjack in a pan.
Do si do, now mind the rules,
With your old flat hooves just a-kickin' like mules!

Uhh... why is everypony looking at me like that? I thought squaredance music was popular here in Appleloosa... Wait, this is Ponyville? Oops. Well, I wasn't prepared for this. But fortunately, some local performers are prepared for this, and should do a much better job of providing dance music than I have. Let the show begin!

Gallery for Week 223

01. Speedy526745

Dance like you can't see yourself, of just hide behind a shelf. - fetchbeer

02. Redquoza

Shake your hips and sway in time, and create something sublime. - fetchbeer

03. G-DO-29--Anagram
Two different duos (three technically if you count the Cinnies) and a pony on the verge of breaking into the "I have to go to the bathroom" dance. I dunno...

Store employees deserve some credit, for not posting every customer on reddit. - fetchbeer

04. Lemon-Bitter-Twist

Drink your drink and sing your song, if we drink enough we'll get along! - fetchbeer

05. Errick
I hope I linked the image right.. haven't done this in forever.

A dragon dancing with their hoard, some shiny things are much adored. - fetchbeer

06. Vaser888

Dancing between the times you play, though you are quite an amateur at ballet. - fetchbeer

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