What a buncha pranksters! Some of you going for the tried and true methods, and some of you using more... innovative approaches. Some were all in good fun, others a bit less so. Some of your prankings were successful, others, not so much! (Especially when Derpy is involved, it seems).
I like it!
In all, you produced 51 of crazy pony pranks!
I feel like I should be trying to prank you all with something here, but I'll be honest - I was never much good at pranks! So, on with the ponies instead!
1 Fox-E (I wouldn't mind this terribly. Just sayin'. -Lunar)
2 FerrousOxideMolecule (Always nice to see comics, but poor Derpy! I hope she gets the muffin afterwards - Atlur)
3 NinjaPony ( I cant dance to this... but it does taste good. - Arcum)
4 RunbowDash
5 KuroiTsubasaTenshi (I think this the first time I've seen breaking the 4th wall work AGAINST Pinkie! -Lunar)
6 Cynos-Zilla ( Oh no! Derpy why!? - Arcum)
7 SamuelEAllen (I could definitely see this happening. Twi needs to lighten up a little - Atlur)
8 Goggle Sparks
9 Brony91 (AAAAH A GHOST! Oh wait its just a bald pony. False alarm. - Arcum)
10 KuroiTsubasaTenshi (Dat Stache - Arcum)
11 RydelFox
12 larrle (Man poison joke is dangerous to some ponies... - Arcum)
13 brokenhero0409 (This is actually a brilliant way to prank Twilight! -Lunar)
14 AmbroseButtercrust (Why would you do this, Fluttershy? -Lunar)
15 KuroiTsubasaTenshi
16 hip-indeed (That's rough, Applebloom ;) -Lunar)
17 UnicornSketch (A fun take on a classic prank - Atlur)
18 Argembarger (PLANK!? What happened to you? - Johnny)
19 MoonlightScribe
20 MoonlightScribe (That's cold, Pinkie Pie -Lunar)
21 TheWormOuroboros (Nice one, Luna! -Lunar)
22 Otterlore
23 pinkie-pie-ninja (Man, I haven't been RickRolled in forever! -Lunar)
25 necrodios
26 FoxOFWar (Even stranger, it was somehow on the 2nd floor - Atlur)
27 NikkuWalkanov (Interesting approach! -Lunar)
28 DI-FL
29 demented-Mr-Paulsen (Poor AJ can't just buck...)
30 Easteu (...her apples in peace, can she? - Atlur)
31 GonzaHerMeg (Show her how it's done! -Lunar)
32 LittleMonster125
33 necrodios
34 DarkKnightWolf2011 (It's like a strange sort of musical chairs, just with more music and fewer chairs - Atlur)
35 GiantMosquito (Moist would've kept that bird nice and damp to keep it from combusting. She needs a sidekick, methinks - Atlur)
36 kitsuneymg (Oh, drunken shaming. That most venerable of pranking traditions! -Lunar)
37 ZeldaTheSwordsman
38 Invidlord (Poor Applejack will never catch a break :( - Arcum)
39 Prismatic-Pretzel (This is why if I ever become an evil mastermind I will make sure that I do not have a right hand man. They only cause trouble. - Arcum)
40 Delta-Pangaea (Ah, the ol' bucket prank. Classic! -Lunar)
41 Naytree (I hope those new names are just a prank on all of us - Atlur)
42 Acceleron
43 CocoaNutCakery
44 LeafGrowth (I'm Batmare. -Twilight Sparkle)
46 Thattagen (Oh my goodness, this is just the most adorable thing! :3 -Lunar)
47 Fetchbeer ("PC Load Letter?" What the hay? -Lunar)
48 Atlur
49 G-DO-29--Anagram
50 RaspleZS
51 Philith
52 TerribleTransit
#46 Yay, I'm the winner of the Most Adorable Thing award!