Sunday 1 January 2012

Weekly Wrap Up 27

Happy New Year, everypony!

Whew, and what a year it's been! Statistically, most of us found out about ponies sometime last year. Many of us participated in the NATG, and all of you have kept the ATG going the way it has. It's been a year of giggling at the ghosties, dressmaking, and sonic rainbooms. We've drawn and struggled; we've learned from ourselves and one another. We found out that cartoon ponies can be amazing, and that friendship is truly magic.

So, here's to a good year of pony, and hopes of another to come!

With that, have some pictures :)

1 SamuelEAllen

2 Tsutanai-Neko (That is quite the explosive ensemble Pinkie has got there - Atlur)

3 DarkKnightWolf2011 (Where will these ponies go on this insane device, I hope at least it's somewhere nice! - fetchbeer)

4 GoogleSparks (Kirei! Ii desu yo - Atlur)

5 demented-Mr-Paulsen (Hooray, Colgate! Great way to ring in the new year - Atlur)

6 mayaladybug

7 dtcx97 (I'll assume that the strength of the explosions is what sent Scoots backwards, because that just makes it even sillier - Atlur)

8 hip-indeed (Hooray, Colgate! Great way to ring in the new year - Atlur)

9 KuroiTsubasaTenshi (Over Ponyville this canon long has loomed, all the ponies know that if it fires they're just doomed! - fetchbeer)

10 Muffinsforever

11 FerrousOxideMolecule

12 mmadhu94

13 KuroiTsubasaTenshi (Sweetie why would you stand there? Move! - Atlur)

14 Philith (It's her own fault to fall asleep in front of Pinkie Pie, and when she wakes she should not cry. - fetchbeer)

15 brokenhero0409 (Sorry to hear about your situation *hug* - Atlur)

16 pinkie-pie-ninja

17 RaspleZS

18 JeffMartinez (Good use of the Apple family, I like it - Atlur)

19 Ailynd (These six friends party upon a hill, each one hoping the coming year brings more thrill. - fetchbeer

20 RunbowDash

21 JunaECBS (I gave up waiting on the day to change as well, to stay awake not even magic could compel! - fetchbeer)

22 ReakkorShrike (No worries, it will still be 2012 when he wakes up, he can celebrate then - Atlur)

23 ponylover778

24 MoonlightScribe

25 larrle (She looks so mesmerized by it - Atlur)

26 Fox-E (Those two and their shenanigans... Silly ponies - Atlur)


28 Delta-Pangaea

29 widsithgrey (Can't say I expected to see that, but then I am not surprised to see it is inspired by tumblr ponies - Atlur)

30 Acceleron

31 Terrible Transit (This is absolutely lovely, as is the bit of writing that accompanies it - Atlur)

32 Invidlord

33 Otterlore

34 Prismatic-Pretzel

35 KuroiTsubasaTenshi

36 AmbroseButtercrust

37 ZeldaTheSwordsman